The Texas Bird Records Committee (TBRC) is a standing committee of the Texas Ornithological Society (T.O.S.). A list of all Past and Present TBRC Members is maintained here.
Our primary purpose is to validate records of birds from the state of Texas and adjacent ocean. Bird records typically originate as written descriptions and/or photographs/recordings that are submitted by observers involved with the discovery of a rare bird. By judging the authenticity of these submitted reports, our aim is to contribute to the study of bird distribution and vagrancy. For more information about our committee's purposes and procedures, feel free to browse our bylaws.
We actively solicit reports of any species on our TBRC Review List as well as any species not currently on the official Texas State List. A parallel activity of the committee is to solicit information on unlocated specimens.
We desire written descriptions as well as photographs, video, and audio recordings if available. For an idea of what is requested in a written description, consult our Rarity Report Form.
The TBRC occasionally publishes Miscellaneous Statements on the website.
Each year, the committee publishes an Annual Report in the Bulletin of the Texas Ornithological Society detailing the decisions on all species reviewed during that year.
Each year, the committee also publishes the meeting minutes of our Annual Meetings.
Texas photographers contributing web graphics to this site: Tiffany Kersten, Greg Lasley, Greg Lavaty, Mark Lockwood, Annika Lindqvist, Darlene Moore, Arman Moreno, Martin Reid, Lora Render, Brad Singer, Rex Stanford, Byron Stone, and Barry Zimmer.
Website Creation and Management: Jim Peterson and Eric Carpenter.