1989 Annual Report
Greg W. Lasley
305 Loganberry Court
Austin, Texas 78745-6527
This report contains the decisions of the Texas Bird Records Committee (hereafter "TBRC" or "committee") of the Texas Ornithological Society reached during 1989. For information on previous actions of the TBRC see Arnold (1984 & 1985) and Lasley (1988 & 1989). The TBRC requests and reviews documentation on any record of a Texas Review Species (see end of report) as well as any record of any species if requested to do so by a member of the TBRC. Some of the records submitted to the TBRC during 1989 were gleaned from old American Birds or Christmas Bird Count files, thus some portion of the work of the committee during 1989 was to catch up on older records. The TBRC reached a final decision on 237 records during 1989: 159 records of 61 species were accepted and 78 records of 45 species were not accepted, an acceptance rate of 67% for this report. There were 212 observers who submitted documentation (to the TBRC or to other entities) that was reviewed by the committee during 1989.
This report officially adds three species to the Texas state list: Yellow-billed Loon, Bridled Tern, and Greenish Elaenia. These actions brought the Texas state list to 571 species in good standing at the end of 1989.
The TBRC solicits reports of any species on the Review List as well as any species not previously accepted for Texas. We desire written descriptions as well as photographs and tape recordings if available. If anyone has information concerning a Review Species but is unsure how to submit that information please contact any member of the TBRC or the author of this report. There is a document available that lists every known record of the Review Species and gives the status (accepted, rejected, submitted/In circulation, or unsubmitted) of each record. If interested in this document, contact the author.
The records in this report are arranged taxonomically following The AOU Checklist of North American Birds (AOU 1983) as currently supplemented. Within each species the records are listed chronologically. The TBRC file number is preceded by the year the record was originally submitted to the committee. If photos are on file with the TBRC, the Texas Photo Record File (TPRF)(Texas A&M University) number is also given. If a tape recording of the bird is on file with the TBRC, the Texas Bird Sounds Library (TBSL)(Sam Houston State University) number is also given. Specimen records are denoted with an asterisk (*) followed by the institution and file number where the specimen is housed. The information in each account is usually based on the information provided in the original submitted documentation; however, in some cases I have supplemented this with a full range of dates the bird(s) was present if that information was made available to me later. All observers who submitted written documentation or photos of accepted records are listed by initials. There has been no attempt to list all observers who saw a particular bird. A number in parentheses after the species name represents the total number of accepted records in Texas for that species at the end of 1989; incomplete data prevents this information from being listed for all species at this time. All locations in italics are counties.
TBRC Membership: Members of the TBRC during 1989 who participated in all decisions listed in this report are: Keith Arnold, Chairman, Greg Lasley, Secretary, Ted Eubanks, Jim Morgan, Ken Seyffert, Warren Pulich and John Arvin. In addition, Frances Williams retired from the committee during 1989 and Barry Zimmer was elected as a member. Both of these persons participated in many of the decisions listed in this report.
Contributors: Kenneth Able (KAb), Bruce Aird, Richard Albert, Tom Albert (ToA), Don Alexander, Tony Amos, Margaret Anderson, Ben Archer (BAr), Eddie & Nina Arnold, Keith Arnold, John Arvin, Mike Austin (MAu), John Baird, Betty & Dan Baker, Larry & Martha Ballard (L&MB), Sharon Bartels, Bob Barth (BBa), James Beard (JBe), Bob Behrstock, Chris Benesh, Oleta Bilger, Gene Blacklock, Rick Bowers (RBo), Robert Bradley, Ron Braun (RBr), Lillian Brown, Mark Brown, Kelly Bryan, Frank Bumgardner, Sheriton Burr (SBu), Charlie Callagan (CCa), Chuck & Susi Campbell (C&SCa), Jerry Caraviotis, Steve Cardiff (StC), Oscar Carmona, Allen Chartier, Don Clapp, Charlie Clark, Gary Clark, George & Jane Clayton (G&JC), R.D. Coggeshall (RDC), Tom Collins, Dawn Conway, Arlie & Mel Cooksey (A&MC), John Coons (JCo), Marion Corder, Wesley Cureton, Lee Daniel, Dave Dauphin, Marvin Davis (MDa), Mike Denny, Arch Dillard, Donna Dittmann (DDi), Jeff Donaldson (JDo), Jon Dunn, Charles Easley, Randy Ellis, Victor Emanuel, Dodge & Lorna Engleman (D&LE), Rosemary English (REn), Pansy Espy, Ted Eubanks, Virginia Eubanks, Austin Evans, Mike & Rose Farmer (M&RFa), Linda Feltner, T. Ben Feltner (TBF), Dean Fisher, Lona & Steve Flocke (L&SFl), Ada Ware Foster (AWF), Jane Fowler, Tony & Phyllis Frank, Leo Galloway, Tony Gallucci, Hugh Garnett, Patricia Giddings, Jeff Gordon (JGo), Peter Gottschling, William Graber III, Jesse Grantham, Vince Gribble, Connie Hagar, Bryan Hale (BHa), Hazel Happner, Jean Harwell, William Harwell, Carl Haynie, Mitch Heindel, Ray Heitman, Oscar Hibler, Holly Hobart (HoH), Malcolm Hodges (MHo), Harold Holt, Bob Honig, George Howe, P.D. Hulce (PDH), Joe Ideker, Eleanor Inouye, George Jett, Barry Jones, Margaret Jones, Paul Jones, Tina Jones, Larry Jordan, Kevin Karlson, Tim Koebel (TKoe), Theodore Koundakjian, Mike Krzywonski, Ed Kutac, Steve Labuda, Greg Lasley, David Lindsey, Barry Linnett, Mark Lockwood, Robert Lockwood, Robert & Lauren Lynch, Duncan MacLulich, Guy McCaskie, Arlie McKay, Bonnie McKinney (BoM), Brad McKinney, Ruthie Melton (RMe), Steve Metz, Burt Monroe (BuM), Bob Moore, Kenneth Moore, Jim Morgan, Russell Morris, John Muldrow (JMu), Derek Muschalek (DMu), Don Myers, Ken Nanney, Celeste Newton, Hazel Nichols, Michael Nickell, Andy O'Neil, Frank Oatman, Ollie Olsen, Paul Palmer, Dick Payne, Mike Perkins, Noel Pettingell, Steven Pike, Randy Pinkston (RPi), Charles Potter, Scott Rea, Mac Read, Roger Reisch (RRe), Barbara & John Ribble, Ron Ridout, Bob Righter (BRig), Teresa Risdon, B.J. Rose (BJR), John Rowlett (JRo), Thomas Schulenberg, Bob Schwartz, Peter Scott, Willie Sekula, Chuck Sexton, Don & Martha Shearer (D&MSh), J.W. Sifford (JWS), John & Roseanne Snyder (J&RSn), Linda Snyder, John Sproul (JSp), Darleen Stevens, Elton Stilwell, Cliff Stogner (CSt), Bob Stone (BSt), Lynn Stowers, Jerry & Nancy Strickling (J&NSt), Jimmy Swartz (JSw), Neil Tennyson, Robert Thacker, Carol Trosset, Mary Ann Tucker (MAT), Nancy Umphres, Tom Urban, Richard Uzar, Al Valentine, Ray Waite, Ken Ward, Brent Wauer (BWa), Sally Weeks (SWe), Thomas White (ThW), Tony White, Bret Whitney, Clarence Wiedenfeld, Hal Wierenga, Steve Williams, David Wolf, Kenneth Wolf, Terrie Woodrow (TWo), Alan Wormington, Mary Ann Young (MAY), Barry Zimmer, Kevin Zimmer, Yvonne Zimmer.
Acknowledgements: The TBRC is very grateful to the many contributors listed above, without whom this report would not be possible. We would also like to offer our sincere thanks to the following consultants who provided the TBRC with expert opinion, advice, or other information concerning records reviewed during 1989: Richard Banks, Laurence Binford, Roger Clapp, Malcolm Coulter, Jon Dunn, John W. Fitzpatrick, Kimball Garrett, J.R. Jehl, Wesley Lanyon, Dave Lee, Paul Lehman, Guy McCaskie, Burt Monroe, J. Bryan Nelson, John P. O'Neill, Dennis Paulson, J.V. Remsen, Jr., Robert Ridgely, Thomas Schulenberg and Thede Tobish. In addition, I would like to thank Chuck Sexton, Barry Zimmer, Ted Eubanks, David Wolf, and Carl Haynie for reviewing early drafts of this article.
Additional Abbreviations: AB = American Birds magazine; BBNP = Big Bend National Park; CBC = Christmas Bird Count; GMNP = Guadalupe Mountains National Park; NWR = National Wildlife Refuge; SP = State Park; UTC = Upper Texas Coast.
Red-throated Loon (Gavia stellata)(13). One (1989-47) at the Texas City Dike, Galveston from 21 November 1975 through 12 April 1976 (JH, WH, C&SCa, TBF, TC, L&MB, HN). Another (or the same?)(1989-48) at the Texas City Dike from 6 November 1976 through 6 March 1977 (DD, PJ, OH, RM). One (1989-49) at Texas City on 17 February 1978 (TE). One (1989-69) on Galveston Island, Galveston 24 Apr 87 (WH). Up to five (1989-95, TPRF #749) photographed from Preston Peninsula, Lake Texoma, Grayson 10-28 January 1989 (HG).
Arctic/Pacific Loon (Gavia arctica/pacifica)(19). It is presumed that all records of this species complex in Texas pertain to Pacific Loon but since sight or photo identification of these two species is difficult at best, the TBRC has voted to list all the below records as Arctic/Pacific for the present time. This species occurs annually in very small numbers in Texas. One (1988-221, TPRF #666) at the Texas City Dike, Galveston from 19 November 1977 until 28 January 1978 (HoH). One (1988-207) at the Texas City Dike on 29 January 1984 (CH). One (1989-73) on Offat's Bayou in Galveston on 20 December 1986 (RBr). Two (1988-4, TPRF #669) photographed at Canyon Lake,Comal from 27-29 January 1987 (L&SFl, BAr). One (1988-217, TPRF #665) at Offat's Bayou in Galveston from "late" February until 17 April 1988 (MAu, JBe, GL). One (1988-236, TPRF #682) found at El Paso on 31 March 1988 in an exhausted condition was released at a nearby lake later that day; it lingered at the lake for several days before departing (JSp, BZ). One (1988-227, TPRF #675) at Estes, Nueces from 29-31 May 1988 (B&DB, JG, JSw)) represents the latest accepted spring date for the species in Texas. One (1988-274) at Lake Balmorhea, Reevesfrom 5-7 October 1988 (ML). One seen and photographed (1989-3, TPRF #734) at Spence Reservoir, Coke on 11 November 1988 (MH). One (1989-98, TPRF #738) found dead at El Paso on 7 December 1988 (BZ, JDo).
Yellow-billed Loon (Gavia adamsii)(1). One (1988-276, TPRF #696) at Buffalo Springs Lake, Lubbock from 15 December 1981 through 16 January 1982 represents the first accepted record for Texas (CSt).
Red-necked Grebe (Podiceps auritus)(4). One (1989-50) at Quintana Jetty, Freeport, Brazoria from 17 December 1978 through 3 January 1979 (DD). One (1988-297) at Offat's Bayou in Galveston on 26 December 1987 (GH). One (1989-23) at Boles Road Lake, Lubbock on 5 & 7 January 1989 (ML).
Clark's Grebe (Aechmophorus clarkii). One (1988-264, TPRF #691) at Mountain Shadow Lake, El Paso on 27 & 28 February 1988 (JS, RW). One (1988-235, TPRF #681) at Ft. Bliss, El Paso on 18 April 1988 (BZ). Two (1988-275, TPRF #695) at Lake Balmorhea, Reeves from 19 October through 28 November 1988 (ML). Two (1989-94) at Lake Balmorhea from 1 March through 3 May 1989 (ML, AW). This species was formerly regarded as a color phase of the Western Grebe and our knowledge of this species in Texas was very sparse until 1985. Since that time it has proven to be a regular fall and winter visitor in small numbers to far west Texas and was removed from the regular Review List by the TBRC in early 1990 (see end of report).
Cory's Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea). Four in a group (1989-107) seen 42 miles off Port Aransas, Nueces on 29 September 1981 (DW). This species is now regarded as a regular late summer visitor to Texas waters and is no longer on the rarities Review List (see end of report).
Sooty Shearwater (Puffinus griseus)(3). One (1988-234, TPRF #680) was found injured at Port Aransas, Nueceson 19 May 1988 (TA). A photo of this bird was published in AB 42:458.
Band-rumped Storm-Petrel (Oceanodroma castro)(4). One (1985-7) at Mitchell Lake, Bexar, 14 June 1984 (WS). This record was initially not accepted by the TBRC (Arnold, 1985), but was recirculated through the TBRC and accepted in 1989.
Red-billed Tropicbird (Phaethon aethereus)(2). One immature (1989-134, TPRF #762, *TCWC #12437, TBSL #197-01) found exhausted at Zapata, Zapata near Falcon Lake on 29 April 1989 (NU). A photo of this bird was published in AB 43:503. The bird was kept alive until 23 May 1989 by a wildlife rehabilitator.
Brown Booby (Sula leucogaster)(9). One immature (1989-59) on 15 March 1989 at the "Matagorda Jetty" (= mouth of Colorado River), Matagorda (JMu).
Red-footed Booby (Sula sula)(1). One (1988-258, TPRF #758) photographed 53 miles off Galveston on 27 March 1983 (TKoe). There is a specimen that cannot be located that was taken prior to 1910 in the Rockport area, but the Galveston bird remains the only Texas record currently accepted by the TBRC.
Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus)(9). One adult (1988-203, TPRF #671) at Anahuac NWR, Chambers from 12 March-24 April 1988 (DP, TE, JA). One adult (1988-211) north of the High Island high bridge, Chambers on 23 April 1988 (CE). Two adults (1988-209, TPRF #672) in Chambers on 1 May 1988 (TE). Two adults (1988-210) on west Galveston Island from 6-20 May 1988 (WG, SB, JM, GL, CN). One adult (1989-131) on Galveston Island on 22 April 1989 (J&WR). One adult (1989-147) at Port Bolivar, Galveston on 29 April 1989 (JM, TE, BB, RE). One adult (1989-148) at Anahuac NWR, Chambers on 10 June 1989 (JM, TE, BB, RE). This species, first accepted for Texas only in 1988 (Lasley, 1989), now appears to be an annual spring and summer visitor on the UTC in very small numbers.
Jabiru (Jabiru mycteria)(5). Two (1989-137, TPRF #763) photographed approximately nine miles east of Encino,Brooks on 29 October 1979 (TU). These birds were apparently present for several weeks but a full range of dates is not available.
Brant (Branta bernicla)(8). One (1989-74) at High Island, Galveston on 13 December 1986 (DA, DMu).
Muscovy Duck (Cairina moschata). Three immatures (1987-10, TPRF #731) at Salineno, Starr on 21 November 1986 (ML); this record was initially not accepted by the TBRC during its first review (Lasley, 1988) but was circulated again in 1989 after the TBRC had accepted the species for the Texas list. Three (one adult, two immatures)(1988-300, TPRF #745) at Salineno 9-22 October 1988 (MH, KZ). One adult (1989-141, TPRF #761) on the Tigre Grande arm of Falcon Lake, Zapata on 16 March 1989 (MDa, MHo). This species is now considered to be an uncommon to rare permanent resident along the Rio Grande in the vicinity of Falcon Lake and the TBRC has removed it from the main Review List (see end of report).
Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis)(4). One adult (1989-31) at Sheldon Reservoir, Harris on 12 January 1973 (TBF, VE). This record is the first (and only) accepted UTC report. One immature (1988-5) on 29-30 December 1982 at Rio Grande Village, BBNP, Brewster (CW, GL). One adult (1989-20) near Panther Junction, BBNP, 20 January 1989 (FO). Although reported often, this species is seldom well documented in Texas.
Common Black-Hawk (Buteogallus anthracinus). One adult (1988-265, TPRF #692) photographed at Boquillas Canyon, BBNP, Brewster on 21 March 1979 (KB, TG). One adult at a nest (1988-228, TPRF #668) on 23 May 1988 along the Devil's River near Comstock, Val Verde (KA, DC). One adult (1988-294) in Brooks on 30 October 1988 (AO). This species has been taken off the main Review List by the TBRC but documentation is still solicited in order to study the status and distribution of the species in Texas (see end of report).
Swainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni). Although not on the Review List, the Texas Christmas Bird Count Editor has requested the TBRC to review records of this species submitted on CBC's. One immature (1989-55, TPRF #736) inBrazoria on 31 December 1987 & 3 January 1988 (MAY, RU, BH).
Northern Jacana (Jacana spinosa). One (1989-81) at Eagle Nest Lake, Brazoria on 28 March 1972 (GM). One (1988-249) at Bentsen SP, Hidalgo from "late" November until 28 December 1985 (CN).
Surfbird (Aphriza virgata)(3). One (1988-222) on West Galveston Island on 16 March 1988 (D&LE, G&JC).
Purple Sandpiper (Calidris maritima)(6). One (1988-252, TPRF #704) at Freeport, Brazoria from 19-22 December 1976 (TG, TBF, WC). One (1988-251, TPRF #686) from 12 November 1977 through 14 January 1978 at Freeport (TE, RMe). One (1988-250, TPRF #687) at Freeport from 21 December 1980 until "late" February 1981 (TE).
Ruff (Philomachus pugnax)(10). One (1989-118) at Galveston from 29 March until 1 April 1981 (TBF, AD). One (1988-226, TPRF #667) at Gilchrist, Galveston on 12-14 May 1984 (TE). One (1988-241) at Austin, Travis on 20 August 1988 (CB, EK, RH)
Pomarine Jaeger (Stercoraris pomarinus). One (1988-281, TPRF #699) at San Luis Pass, Galveston from 31 May through 2 August 1986 (TE). One (1989-58, TPRF #748) at Bolivar Flats, Galveston on 28 November 1986 (TJ, BR). Two (1989-8) at Galveston on 26 December 1988 (TE). This species has been removed from the regular Review List and its distribution and status in Texas is being studied by a subcommittee of the TBRC (see end of report).
Parasitic Jaeger (Stercoraris parasiticus). One adult (1989-16) on South Padre Island, Cameron on 16 January 1982 (CS). Six (3 adults, 3 immatures) (1988-262, TPRF #689) at Boca Chica, Cameron on 21 February 1986 (BZ, GL). Like the Pomarine, this species has been removed from the main Review List (see end of report).
Little Gull (Larus minutus)(8). One adult (1989-1, TPRF #744) at Mountain Creek Lake, Dallas from 6-17 December 1988 (MH, CH). One adult (1989-10) at Lake Waco, McLennan from 9 January until 2 March 1989 (JMu, CS, MAT, GL).
Common Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus)(2). One adult in breeding plumage (1989-26) on 1 & 3 March 1989 at Lake Arlington, Tarrant (AW, JWS).
Mew Gull (Larus canus)(2). One first-winter bird (1989-24, TPRF #730) from 14 December 1988 through 4 January 1989 at the Eastside Sanitary Landfill in Fort Worth, Tarrant (CH, MP).
California Gull (Larus californicus)(11). One second-winter bird (1989-116) at Bolivar Flats, Galveston, on 26 October 1980 (BW, PS, BBa). One adult (1988-271) at McNary Reservoir, Hudspeth on 28 January 1985 (BZ, JD). One adult (1989-15) at Fort Hancock Reservoir, Hudspeth from 5-8 November 1988 (LJ, BZ). One first-winter bird (1989-100) at Mountain Creek Lake, Dallas from 14 December 1988 through 21 January 1989 (KN). One second-winter bird (1989-28) at the Brownsville Dump, Cameron on 12 February 1989 (BW).
Thayer's Gull (Larus thayeri)(7). One adult (1988-267, TPRF #747) at Lake Waco, McLennan from 5 to 24 August 1988 (JMu). This record represented the earliest fall date for the species in Texas as well as only the second record of an adult in the state.
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus)(31). One adult (1989-32) in Galveston on 28 January 1973 (NP). One adult (1989-109) in Galveston from 8 December 1975 until 4 April 1975 (J&NS, TBF). One adult (1988-220) at Port Aransas, Nueces on 4 January 1981 (TA). One adult (1988-261, TPRF #688) at Boca Chica, Cameron on 21 February 1986 (GL, BZ). One second or third-winter bird (1988-3) at the Brownsville Dump, Cameron on 28 December 1986 (StC, DDi). One adult (1988-197) at Laguna Atascosa NWR, Cameron on 4 March 1988 (CB, JC). One adult (1988-229, TPRF #674) at Padre Island National Seashore, Kleberg on 15 March 1988 (TA). One adult (1989-52) at San Luis Pass, Galveston on 8 January 1989 (TE). One adult (1989-93, TPRF #739) at the Brownsville Dump on 11 January 1989 (JD). One third-winter bird (1989-140) at San Ygnacio, Zapata on 8 April 1989 (BZ, RBo). This bird was also seen on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande providing one of the very few records for that country. In addition to the above records it should also be noted that the Lesser Black-backed Gull on Mustang Island at Port Aransas in 1983 (TPRF #333) has continued to winter at the same location and was present this year from 25 October 1988 until 16 April 1989.
Glaucous Gull (Larus hyperboreus)(31). One first-winter bird (1988-268) at Texas City, Galveston on 7 January 1978 (JM, TE). One first-winter bird (1988-283, TPRF #712) on East Beach, Galveston on 14 January 1979 (TE). One first-winter bird (1988-284, TPRF #713) from 1-11 March 1982 at East Beach, Galveston (TE). One first-winter bird (1988-286) at Bolivar Flats on 28 April 1983 (TE, JM). One first-winter bird (1988-285, TPRF #714) at San Luis Pass, Galveston on 7 April 1985 (TE, VE). One first-winter bird (1988-263, TPRF #690) at Boca Chica,Cameron on 8 April 1986 (BZ, GL). One first-winter bird (1988-233, TPRF #679) at Rollover Pass, Galveston from 16-28 April 1988 (GJ, HW, TW). One first-winter bird (1988-292, TPRF #715) at Hornsby Bend Ponds, Austin,Travis on 8 December 1988 (GL, EK) represents one of few inland Texas records. One first-winter bird (1989-43) at the mouth of the Brazos River, Brazoria on 20 December 1988 (MB). One first-winter bird (1989-57, TPRF #740) at Freeport, Brazoria on 3 January 1989 (MH). One first-winter bird (1989-61) at San Luis Pass, Galveston on 4 March 1989 (PG). One first-winter bird (1989-149, TPRF #776) at Bolivar Flats from 15 April until 6 May 1989 (TE, JM). Most, if not all of the late 1988 and early 1989 records on the UTC may pertain to the same wandering bird.
Great Black-backed Gull (Larus marinus)(11). One first-winter bird (1989-111) at Galveston on 8 February 1981 (TBF). One first-winter bird (1989-65) at Galveston on 24 January 1984 (MHo).
Black-legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla)(13). One first-winter bird (1989-34, TPRF #735) at Mountain Creek Lake, Dallas from 6 December 1988 through 17 January 1989 (MH, SM, A&MC). A photo of this bird was published in AB 43:336. One first-winter bird (1989-29, TPRF #742) at Aransas Pass, San Patricio, from 12-26 January 1989 (E&NA).
Sabine's Gull (Xema sabini)(18). One juvenal bird (1989-9, TPRF #743) in Lubbock on 24 October 1970 (LG). One juvenal bird (1988-208) at Lake Benbrook, Tarrant from 18-20 October 1986 (CH, RDC). One juvenal (1988-243, TPRF #684) at Pico Norte Pond, El Paso, on 12 September 1988 (BZ). A photo of this bird was published in AB 43:131. One juvenal bird (1988-245, TPRF #685) at Fort Bliss, El Paso on 23-24 September 1988 (B&YZ). Two juvenal birds (1988-260) at Lake Buchanan, Llano/Burnet on 25 September 1988 (ES, LS). One juvenal bird (1988-273, TPRF #694) at Lake Balmorhea, Reeves from 5-7 October 1988 (ML). One juvenal (or first-winter?) bird (1989-13) at Mountain Creek Lake, Dallas on 10 December 1988 (KN). This record represents the only accepted winter record for Texas and probably only the second winter record for the United States.
Bridled Tern (Sterna anaethetus)(5). One (1988-277, TPRF #697, *TCWC #12442) found dead at Port Aransas,Nueces on 17 September 1988 (TA). Three (1988-278, TPRF #698) at Port Aransas on 17 September 1988 (TA). A photo of one of these three birds was published in AB 43:128. One (1988-299, TPRF #746, *SFASU #3088) collected at Bolivar Flats, Galveston on 17 September 1988 (DF, DW). One (1988-290) on the Cameron/Willacyline, South Padre Island on 18 September 1988 (AW, SP). A flock of up to 25 individuals (1988-246) off of Freeport,Brazoria on 25 September 1988 (PG, MAu). All of the above records were apparently associated with the passage of Hurricane Gilbert. These reports (in combination) represent the first accepted state records of the species.
Brown Noddy (Anous stolidus)(2). One immature (1988-291, TPRF #710) on the Cameron/Willacy line, South Padre Island on 18 September 1988 (AW, SP). A photo of this bird was published in AB 43:128. Like the Bridled Tern records above, this record was most likely the result of Hurricane Gilbert.
Ruddy Ground-Dove (Columbina talpacoti)(7). A pair (1989-85) at Brownsville, Cameron on 7 January 1989 (FO, EI). Brightly plumaged Common Ground-Doves are sometimes misidentified as Ruddy Ground-Dove. See Dunn and Garrett (1990) for important identification notes on this species.
Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis). Two adults (1988-200, TPRF #676) photographed on 5 March 1988 in the GMNP, Culberson (OO). One (1989-38, TPRF #750) roosting in an El Paso backyard on 2 January 1989 (R&LL, JSp). This species has been removed from the main Review List (see end of report).
Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus)(8). One (1988-230) in the high country of GMNP, Culberson on 28 & 29 May 1988 (CH, TR). This species is probably a very rare resident of these mountains but is seldom well documented by observers.
Green Violet-ear (Colibri thalassinus)(9). One (1989-145, TPRF #759) at Brownsville, Cameron on 3 & 4 June 1989 (BM, M&RFa).
Lewis' Woodpecker (Melanerpes lewis)(11). One (1989-14) in McKittrick Canyon, GMNP, Culberson on 28 December 1982 (CS). One (1988-293, TPRF #716) at Frijole Historic Site, GMNP on 3 January 1986 (ML). One (1988-266, TPRF #693) along the Guadalupe River, Kerrville, Kerr from 10 December 1987 until 26 March 1988 (TG, KB). Two (1988-205, TPRF #673, TBSL #165-01) at Ft. Clark Springs, Brackettville, Kinney from 25 December 1987 until 13 April 1988 (TG, KB, BHa). One (1989-6) near Gordon, Erath on 30 October 1988 (KM). One (1989-135, TPRF #775) at Muleshoe NWR, Bailey from 9-13 May 1989 (NT, BL, DC, DS, J&RSn, AWF, RE).
Williamson's Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus thyroideus) One (1988-288, TPRF #711) in Lorenzo, Crosby on 19 March 1976 (RL, ML). One (1988-270) on 4-5 May 1984 in El Paso (JF). One (1989-124) on 11 March 1986 on the Lost Mine Trail in BBNP, Brewster (DP). One (1988-282) on 4 November 1988 in the Madera Canyon picnic ground, Davis Mountains, Jeff Davis (TE). This species has been removed from the main Review List (see end of report) but documentation is still requested.
Greenish Elaenia (Myiopagis viridicata)(1). One (1988-289, TPRF #330) at High Island, Galveston from 20-23 May 1984 (JM, LF, TE). Photos of this bird have been in the TPRF since 1985, but the record was not officially reviewed by the TBRC until 1989. This record, the first for Texas and the United States, has also been accepted by the ABA and AOU. A photo of this bird was published in AB 38:934. See also Morgan and Feltner (1985).
Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher (Myiodynastes luteiventris)(3). One (1989-30) at Anahuac NWR, Chambers on 2 September 1965 (LS) represents the earliest accepted Texas record.
Thick-billed Kingbird (Tyrannus crassirostris)(4). One (1988-240, TPRF #683, TBSL #164-01) at Cottonwood Campground, BBNP, Brewster from 5 August-18 September 1988 (RT, GL).
Gray Kingbird (Tyrannus dominicensis)(2). One (1988-218) at Rockport, Aransas on 31 August 1951 (SW, CH). This record represents the earliest of the two accepted for the state.
Fork-tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus savana)(5). One immature (1988-298, TPRF #732) at Ricardo, Kleberg from 18-26 December 1988 (KW, RA, ToA, PP, GL). Like the 1984-85 Texas record, this bird was likely the northern race (T. s. monachus) which is in contrast to most other U.S. records which apparently pertain to the South American race (T. s. savana). See Monroe and Barron (1980). A photo of this bird was published in AB 43:232.
Rose-throated Becard (Pachyramphus aglaiae)(7). One female-plumaged bird (1989-82, TPRF #737) at Bentsen SP, Hidalgo from 13 December 1988-30 March 1989 (TS, JD, FO, A&MC, FB, DP, MD, JG, BJR). One male (1989-132) at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo on 24 December 1988 (JGo).
Cave Swallow (Hirundo fulva). Although not on the Texas Review List, the following record was reviewed by the TBRC since it represented the first UTC record. Two pairs (1989-150, TPRF #777) nested at Sea Rim SP, Jeffersonfrom 24 April into "summer" 1989 (JC, BS, TE, JM, WG, JB). A photo of these birds was published in AB 43:508.
American Dipper (Cinclus mexicanus)(5). One (1989-5, TPRF #664) at GMNP, Culberson on 23 Oct 1988 & 2 Jan 1989 (BWa, OO). It is fairly safe to assume that the observations on these two dates represents the same individual bird as the particular location had a restricted access and the only two visits by observers during that time frame each yielded the bird.
Clay-colored Robin (Turdus grayi)(26). One (1988-77) on 3 January 1974 at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo (KAb). One (1988-202) at Sarita, Kenedy on 8 December 1987 (JRo). One (1988-206) from 15 January through 1 April 1988 at Corpus Christi, Nueces (GB). One (1989-125) at Santa Ana NWR from 11 December 1988 through 5 February 1989 (TEW, JGo, RR, TWo)
Varied Thrush (Ixoreus naevius)(6). One (1989-142) at Cottonwood Campground, BBNP, Brewster on 12 & 14 April 1989 (D&MSh, LD).
Aztec Thrush (Ridgwayia pinicola)(3). One (1989-22) at Boot Spring, BBNP, Brewster on 31 July, 1 & 7 August 1982 (CS, ML).
Northern Shrike (Lanius excubitor). One immature (1989-35) on 14 November 1985 in rural Armstrong (GL). One immature (1989-36) on 15-16 November 1985 in Randall (BBa, GL). One (1989-92) at Palo Duro Canyon SP,Randall, on 22 January 1989 (CH, TR). One immature (1989-130) 12 mi. E of Texline, Dallam on 6 March 1989 (AW). One immature (1989-62) at Lake Mineral Wells SP, Parker on 19 March 1989 (CH). This species has been removed from the main Review List but documentation is still requested (see end of report).
Yellow-green Vireo (Vireo flavoviridis)(5). A pair (1988-224) at Laguna Atascosa NWR, Cameron from 2 July-6 August 1988 (RT, MA, OC, DL, CB, CH). This pair of birds nested and apparently fledged three young.
Black-whiskered Vireo (Vireo altiloquus)(4). One (1989-122) from 30 April to 3 May 1981 on west Galveston Island, Galveston (PDH, WR). One (1988-223) on 4-5 April 1987 at High Island, Galveston (RT). One (1988-231, TPRF #670) on 23 May 1988 several miles N of Rockport in Nueces (CC).
Connecticut Warbler (Oporornis agilis)(5). One (1989-76) at Port Bolivar, Galveston on 10 October 1979 (TBF). One (1988-238) in Grand Prairie, Dallas on 30 April 1988 (KN). One (1988-244, TPRF #703) netted and banded on 5 September 1988 in Plano, Collin (AV). This species is often reported, but only rarely well-documented in Texas. It is a species that generally migrates well to the east of Texas and observers should exercise great caution in its identification.
Gray-crowned Yellowthroat (Geothlypis poliocephala)(there are over 30 accepted records of this species in Texas, but only 4 in the 20th century). One (1988-204) at Rancho Viejo, Cameron on 15 April 1988 (JG). One male (1989-144, TPRF #760) at the Sabal Palm Grove, Cameron from 21 May until 5 July 1989 (M&RFa, A&MC, OC, MK, BM). The latter bird was possibly the same bird that was at the Palm Grove in 1988 (Lasley, 1989). Photos of the 1989 bird were published in AB 43:397, 1278.
Red-faced Warbler (Cardellina rubrifrons)(6). One (1988-242) at Boot Spring, BBNP, Brewster on 8 August 1988 (CCa).
Rufous-capped Warbler (Basileuterus rufifrons)(6). One (1989-106) on 9 September 1973 in Campground Canyon, BBNP, Brewster (DW) represented the second Texas and U.S. record. One (1989-99) on the Lost Mine Trail, BBNP, on 12-13 March 1986 (DP).
Common Redpoll (Carduelis flammea)(3). One (1989-11, TPRF #733) at Glen Rose, Somervell from 7 January until 1 March 1989 (OB, CH, JMu, MAT, RPi, CS, CE, GL, AW). Photos of this bird were published in AB 43:271, 339.Â
A number of factors may contribute to a record being denied acceptance. It is quite uncommon for a record to not be accepted because the bird was obviously misidentified. More commonly, a record is denied acceptance because the material submitted to the TBRC was incomplete, insufficient, superficial, or just too vague to properly document the reported occurrence while eliminating all other similar species. Also, written documentation or descriptions prepared entirely from memory weeks, months, or years after a sighting are seldom voted on favorably by the TBRC. It is important that I stress here that the simple fact of not accepting any given record should by no means indicate that the TBRC or any of its members necessarily feels the record did not occur. The non-acceptance of any record simply reflects the opinion of the TBRC that the documentation, as submitted, did not meet the rigorous standards appropriate for adding data to the formal historical record. The TBRC makes every effort to be as fair and objective as possible regarding each record. If the committee is unsure about any particular record, it prefers to err on the conservative side and not accept a good record rather than validate a bad one. All records, whether accepted or not, remain on file and can be re-submitted to the committee if additional substantive material is presented.
Red-throated Loon (Gavia stellata). One (1989-78) in Galveston from 23 January-1 March 1975. One (1989-105) at Lake Texoma, Grayson on 19 January 1980.
Arctic/Pacific Loon (Gavia arctica/pacifica). One (1988-76) on 29 March & 1 April 1958 S of Port Aransas,Nueces. One (1989-79) at the Texas City Dike, Galveston from 11-23 January 1975. One (1989-80) at Galvestonon 29 April 1975.
Red-necked Grebe (Podiceps auritus). One (1989-97) at Possum Kingdom Lake, Palo Pinto on 25 November 1976. Two (1989-123) in Brazoria on 24 January 1981. One (1989-19) at Smith Point, Chambers on 7 March 1987.
Greater Shearwater (Puffinus gravis). One (1988-239) off Port Aransas, Nueces on 21 October 1978.
Audubon's Shearwater (Puffinus lherminieri). One (1988-201) off Port Aransas, Nueces on 13 March 1988.
Brown Booby (Sula leucogaster). A report of 170 (1989-152) off High Island, Galveston on 31 March 1989.
Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus). One (1989-153) at Anahuac NWR, Chambers on 9 May 1989.
Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator). A flock of eight (1989-21) over Brenham, Washington on 6 November 1988.
Muscovy Duck (Cairina moschata). One (1989-158) in Starr on 12 November 1987.
American Black Duck (Anas rubripes). Two (1989-60) at Anahuac NWR, Chambers on 12 February 1989. There has only been one unquestioned record of this species in Texas since 1937 despite many reports over the years. The extreme variability of Mottled Duck plumages is generally not fully appreciated by many field observers. Any report of American Black Duck must be documented carefully (hopefully by excellent photos or by specimen).
Barrow's Goldeneye (Bucephala islandica). One (1988-106) at a private ranch in Brewster on 16 March 1984.
Masked Duck (Oxyura dominica). Two (1989-157) at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo on 26 April 1983. Two (1988-189) at Aransas NWR, Aransas on 16 January 1988.
Snail Kite (Rostrhamus sociabilis). One (1988-39) at Port Lavaca, Calhoun on 26 April 1974.
Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis). One (1989-136) at Lubbock, Lubbock on 20 December 1986. One (1988-237) at San Antonio, Bexar on 22 March 1988. One (1989-17) at GMNP, Culberson on 13 April 1988.
Common Black-Hawk (Buteogallus anthracinus). This species has been removed from the rarities Review List (see end of report) however documentation is still requested. One (1988-248) at BBNP, Brewster on 23 April 1983. One (1988-111) at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo on 21 December 1985. One (1988-181) near Lajoya, Hidalgo on 13 July 1986. One (1988-182) near San Manuel, Hidalgo on 8 March 1987. One (1988-296) near Lasara, Willacy on 23 December 1987.
Roadside Hawk (Buteo magnirostris). One (1989-156) at Salineno, Starr on 12 November 1987.
Swainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni). Although not on the Review List, the Texas Christmas Bird Count editor has requested the TBRC to review all records of this species submitted on CBC's. One (1989-56) at Waco, McLennan on 21 December 1987. One (1989-54) at Ruidosa, Presidio on 29 December 1987. Most descriptions of winter Swainson's Hawks that are submitted are quite superficial and do not allow the committee to vote in favor of them.
Aplomado Falcon (Falco femoralis). One (1988-193) in Hudspeth on 28 November 1980. One (1989-155) at Laguna Atascosa NWR on 14 November 1987. One (1989-96) near Post, Garza on 6 February 1989. This species has been removed from the Review List mainly due to the fact that a captive release program in Cameron has clouded the situation concerning whether or not any particular bird could be a naturally occurring vagrant or a released bird. Documentation is still requested (see end of report).
Purple Sandpiper (Calidris maritima). One (1988-253) at Freeport, Brazoria from 7 March until 11 April 1976.
Ruff (Philomachus pugnax). One (1988-37) near Falfurrias, Brooks on 12 April 1975. One (1988-257) at High Island, Galveston on 13 April 1976. One (1989-68) in Galveston on 14 February and 24 March 1977. One (1989-119) in Galveston on 27 August 1978. Two (1988-26) near Winnie, Chambers on 29 April 1979.
Common Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus). One adult (1989-12) at Lake Waco, McLennan on 25 December 1988.
California Gull (Larus californicus). One adult (1988-109) at Corpus Christi, Nueces from 18 December 1977 until 5 January 1978. One first-winter bird (1988-117) on Mustang Island, Nueces on 12 February 1986. One first-winter bird (1989-103) at Lake Murvaul, Panola on 2 January 1989.
Thayer's Gull (Larus thayeri). One first-winter bird (1988-255) at Dallas on 24 January 1976. One first-winter bird (1988-121) at Corpus Christi, Nueces on 24 March 1980. Two first-winter birds (1988-79) at Bolivar Flats,Galveston on 6-7 April 1981. One second-winter bird (1989-115) near High Island in Jefferson on 25 April 1984. One first-winter bird (1988-225) at Corpus Christi, Nueces from 22 February until 3 March 1986. Four first-winter birds (1989-101) at Mountain Creek Lake, Dallas on 21 January 1989.
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus). One adult (1989-4) at Aransas NWR, Calhoun from 31 December 1988 until 9 February 1989. One probable third-winter bird (1989-83) at Corpus Christi, Nueces on 1-2 January 1989.
Glaucous Gull (Larus hyperboreus). One first-winter bird (1989-91) in Galveston on 20 April 1975.
Great Black-backed Gull (Larus marinus). One second-winter bird (1988-219) on Mustang Island, Nueces on 8 January 1981. One adult (1989-25) at Seadrift, Calhoun on 24 February 1989.
Elegant Tern (Sterna elegans). One (1989-114) at Freeport, Brazoria from 17-30 July 1965.
Brown Noddy (Anous stolidus). Two (1988-73) at Port Aransas, Nueces from 19-22 June 1960.
Ruddy Ground-Dove (Columbina talpacoti). One female-plumaged bird (1988-124) at Santa Margarita Ranch, Starron 13 January 1988. One male (1988-302) in northern Hidalgo from 29 April until 28 May 1988.
Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus). One (1989-90) in Dallas on 7 December 1988.
Tropical Kingbird (Tyrannus melancholicus). One (1988-160) at Laguna Atascosa NWR from 8 January until 21 February 1988. If anyone could have tape recorded this calling bird the record may well have been accepted, but due to its visual similarity to Couch's Kingbird and the difficulty in describing its vocalizations the TBRC was not willing to accept this record as the second for Texas.
Clark's Nutcracker (Nucifraga columbiana). One (1988-74) at Cedar Bayou, Liberty on 7 November 1958.
Black-billed Magpie (Pica pica). One (1988-213) at BBNP, Brewster on 25 April 1988.
Black-capped Gnatcatcher (Polioptila nigriceps). One (1988-254) at Black Gap Wildlife Area, Brewster on 27 April 1985.
Clay-colored Robin (Turdus grayi). One (1988-195) at Rockport, Aransas from 16-24 March 1988.
Varied Thrush (Ixoreus naevius). One (1989-18) at GMNP, Culberson on 8 May 1988.
Yellow-green Vireo (Vireo flavoviridis). One (1989-121) at Lake Jackson, Brazoria on 2 June 1976.
Connecticut Warbler (Oporornis agilis). One (1988-15) at San Antonio, Bexar on 21 May 1987. One (1989-2) at Corpus Christi, Nueces on 10 October 1988.
Gray-crowned Yellowthroat (Geothlypis poliocephala). One (1988-175) at Falcon Dam, Starr on 15 February 1988. One (1989-86) at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo on 6 December 1988. One (1989-129) at Santa Ana NWR on 7 March 1989.
Crimson-collared Grosbeak (Rhodothraupis celaeno). One (1988-301) at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo on 17 December 1988.
Yellow Grosbeak (Pheucticus chrysopeplus). One (1989-160) at BBNP, Brewster on 18 May 1986.
Blue-black Grassquit (Volatinia jacarina). A flock of up to 16 (1988-247) at Black Gap Wildlife Area, Brewsterfrom "late" August until 2 September 1982 and again on 26 November 1982. Three (1989-159) at BBNP, Brewsteron 17 & 19 May 1986.
Worthen's Sparrow (Spizella wortheni). One (1989-154) at Bentsen SP, Hidalgo on 11 November 1987.
Streak-backed Oriole (Icterus pustulatus). One immature (1989-138) at Bentsen SP, Hidalgo on 22-23 April 1989.
White-winged Crossbill (Loxia leucoptera). One (1988-256) at Dallas on 24 September 1972.
American Ornithologists Union. 1983. Checklist of North American Birds, 6th ed. American Ornith. Union, Baltimore, MD.
Arnold, K.A. 1984. Decisions of the T.O.S. Bird Records Committee for 1984. Bull. Texas Ornith. Soc. 17 (1&2): 18-19.
Arnold, K.A. 1985. Decisions of the T.O.S. Bird Records
Committee for 1985. Bull. Texas Ornith. Soc. 18 (1&2): 31-32.
Dunn, J.L., and K. Garrett. 1990. Identification of Ruddy and Common Ground-Doves. Birding 22:138-145.
Lasley, G.W. 1988. Texas Bird Records Committee Report for 1987. Bull. Texas Ornith. Soc. 21 (1&2):25-32.
Lasley, G.W. 1989. Texas Bird Records Committee Report for
1988. Bull. Texas Ornith. Soc. (in press).
Monroe, B.L., and A. Barron. 1980. The Fork-tailed Flycatcher in North America. American Birds 34:842- 845.
Morgan, J.G., and L. Feltner. 1985. A neotropical bird flies north: the Greenish Elaenia. American Birds 39: 242-244.
The TBRC requests details, including descriptions and photos if possible, of all records of the following species.
REVIEW LIST A: Rarities. These species, in general, include birds that have occurred four or fewer times per year anywhere in Texas over a ten year average. The TBRC requests documentation for review for any record of the below species. The TBRC also requests details on any record of a species not yet accepted on the Texas State List.
Red-throated Loon, Pacific Loon, Yellow-billed Loon, Red-necked Grebe, Yellow-nosed Albatross, Greater Shearwater, Sooty Shearwater, Manx Shearwater, Audubon's Shearwater, Wilson's Storm-Petrel, Leach's Storm-Petrel, Band-rumped Storm-Petrel, Red-billed Tropicbird, Blue-footed Booby, Brown Booby, Red-footed Booby, Glossy Ibis, Jabiru, Greater Flamingo, Trumpeter Swan, Brant, American Black Duck, White-cheeked Pintail, Garganey, Eurasian Wigeon, Barrow's Goldeneye, Masked Duck, Snail Kite, Northern Goshawk, Crane Hawk, Roadside Hawk, Paint-billed Crake, Spotted Rail, Double-striped Thick-Knee, Northern Jacana, Eskimo Curlew, Surfbird, Purple Sandpiper, Curlew Sandpiper, Ruff, Long-tailed Jaeger, Little Gull, Common Black-headed Gull, Heermann's Gull, Mew Gull, California Gull, Thayer's Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Western Gull, Glaucous Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, Black-legged Kittiwake, Sabine's Gull, Elegant Tern, Bridled Tern, Brown Noddy, Black Noddy, Ruddy Ground-Dove, Mangrove Cuckoo, Snowy Owl, Northern Pygmy-Owl, Mottled Owl, Northern Saw-whet Owl, White-collared Swift, Green Violet-ear, Mango Species, Broad-billed Hummingbird, White-eared Hummingbird, Violet-crowned Hummingbird, Antillean Crested Hummingbird, Costa's Hummingbird, Allen's Hummingbird, Elegant Trogon, Lewis' Woodpecker, Ivory-billed Woodpecker (presumed extirpated in Texas), Greenish Elaenia, Greater Pewee, Dusky-capped Flycatcher, Tropical Kingbird, Thick-billed Kingbird, Gray Kingbird, Fork-tailed Flycatcher, Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher, Rose-throated Becard, Gray-breasted Martin, Clark's Nutcracker, Black-billed Magpie, American Dipper, Clay-colored Robin, Rufous-backed Robin, Varied Thrush, Aztec Thrush, Black Catbird, Bohemian Waxwing, Gray Silky-flycatcher, Black-whiskered Vireo, Yellow-green Vireo, Yucatan Vireo, Connecticut Warbler, Gray-crowned Yellowthroat, Red-faced Warbler, Golden-crowned Warbler, Rufous-capped Warbler, Crimson-collared Grosbeak, Blue Bunting, Henslow's Sparrow, Golden-crowned Sparrow, Yellow-eyed Junco, Snow Bunting, Black-vented Oriole, Pine Grosbeak, White-winged Crossbill, Common Redpoll, Lawrence's Goldfinch.
REVIEW LIST B: Species under special study by sub-committee of TBRC concerning their distribution and status in Texas. Records of these species will not be formally reviewed by the TBRC (however, any reports of these species that were already logged into the TBRC files prior to 3 March 1990 will be reviewed by the TBRC and reported in the annual report), but documentation is requested to assist in these studies.
Clark's Grebe, Cory's Shearwater, Muscovy Duck, Common Black-Hawk, Aplomado Falcon (reintroduction program in progress), Pomarine Jaeger, Parasitic Jaeger, Spotted Owl, Williamson's Sapsucker, Northern Shrike, Baird's Sparrow.