2000 Annual Meeting
2000 Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Texas Bird Records Committee was held at the Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, on Saturday 18 November 2000. In attendance were
• Mark Lockwood, Chairman
• Greg Lasley, Secretary
• Keith Arnold, Academician
• Willie Sekula
• Terry Maxwell
• Martin Reid
• Petra Hockey
• Brush Freeman
TBRC member Barry Zimmer was unable to attend the meeting. The meeting was convened at 9:50 a.m.
Election of Members
Martin Reid's 2nd term expired in the fall of 2000 and Brush Freeman’s 1st term also expired in the fall of 2000, this left two vacancies to be filled at the meeting. In addition, Secretary Greg Lasley had decided to retire as TBRC secretary. There were four nominations for the two positions: Brush Freeman, John Arvin, Mel Cooksey, and Kelly Bryan. Lockwood was the sole nominee for the position of secretary. Arnold was again nominated for the position Academician. The nominees were voted upon by secret ballet. Freeman and Bryan were elected members. Lasley (Hockey: second) moved that Lockwood become Secretary. The motion carried unanimously. Lockwood’s election to Secretary left the Chairman position vacant. John Arvin was nominated for the position. Maxwell (Lasley: second) moved that Arvin be elected which carried unanimously.
Current membership and term of service are as follows:
• John Arvin, Chair - Term expires fall 2000; can be re-elected
• Mark Lockwood, Secretary - term is as listed for Chair
• Keith Arnold, Academician - term is as listed for Chair
• Willie Sekula - 2nd term expires fall 2001
• Terry Maxwell - 2nd term expires fall 2002
• Barry Zimmer - 2nd term expires fall 2002
• Brush Freeman - 2nd term expires fall 2003
• Petra Hockey - 1st term expires fall 2001; can be re-elected
• Kelly Bryan - 1st term expires fall 2003, can be re-elected
Regular Agenda Items
Fourth Round Records
1. 1996-114 Allen’s Hummingbird
Bexar Co., 26 July 1996-27 February 1997
Arnold (Lasley: second) moved to table final decision until Lockwood pursue addition opinions on the identification. Motion carried unanimously.
2. 1997-25 Baird’s Sparrow
Jeff Davis Co., 28 November 1996
accepted 8-0.>
Revision of Mailing Sequence
New mailing sequence is as follows:
Blue Mockingbird
Several members of the committee wanted to discuss the previously circulated, and accepted (8-1), record of Blue Mockingbird from Hidalgo County. When the record was initially circulated the bird was believed to have disappeared in June 1999, only to be rediscovered in October 1999. The bird has apparently been present since that time. The committee has recently received details and photos of the bird from November 2000. Discussion centered on seasonal movements and distribution of Blue Mockingbirds in Mexico and whether the birds long stay should result in the recirculation of the record. Blue Mockingbirds are known to have an altitudinal migration in northeastern Mexico, but do not breed at lower elevations. All members present stood by their earlier decisions on the record and the species was added to the official state list.
Motion to Remove Red-throated Loon from the list of Review Species
Hockey moved that Red-throated Loon be removed from the review species list. The number of accepted records does not exceed the criterion for inclusion on the review list. Discussion centered on the status of the species in northeastern Texas and the number of recent records. Reid suggested that within a few years the species will likely exceed the listing criterion. The motion failed to receive a second.
Motion to Remove Masked Duck from the list of Review Species
Hockey (Maxwell: second) moved that Masked Duck be removed from the Review Species list. The number of records (allocated a TBRC number) does not exceed the criterion for removal from the review list, but the number of individual birds documented during the last invasion would do so. Discussion centered on the established cyclical pattern of occurrence and rarity of the species between invasions. The need to accurately track the occurrence of a continent wide rarity was also discussed. The motion failed 1-7.
Motion to Add Tamaulipas Crow to the list of Review Species
Freeman (Hockey: second) moved that Tamaulipas Crow be added to the Review Species list. The dramatic decline of this species in Texas, and therefore the United States, was the primary reason for adding Tamaulipas Crow to the review list. Confusion with molting Great-tailed Grackles and Chihuahuan Ravens was also discussed. It was decided that only reports made after 18 November 2000 should be reviewed. The motion passed 8-0.
Other species that might be added to the review list were also mentioned during the discussion of the Tamaulipas Crow motion. These species included Tundra Swan, Long-tailed Duck, Northern Shrike, and Painted Redstart. After the vote on the Tamaulipas Crow, Reid moved that Painted Redstart be added to the Review List. After additional discussion, Reid withdrew his motion.
Motion to Add White-rumped Sandpiper to Review List B
Reid (Lasley: second) moved that the TBRC ask for documentation of reports of White-rumped Sandpipers outside of the normal migration period (April - June). The motion passed 8-0.
Review Species Specimens Located
Lockwood continued to contact institutions to get listings of their Texas holdings. This search lead to the discovery of 3 additional specimens of review species collected prior to 1988 that were not previously known to the TBRC. Reid (Arnold: second) moved that the committee accept the located specimens as accepted state records. The motion passed unanimously.
species museum no. date location
Leach's Storm-Petrel HMNS 13 23-Jul-76 Freeport, Brazoria Co.
Northern Jacana WM 135 1-Jan-30 Mitchell Lake, Bexar Co.
Baird's Sparrow WM 242 30-Dec-65 30 mi. S of Marfa, Presidio Co.
TBRC record 1994-38
Lasley brought forward the unaccepted report of Trumpeter Swan from Buffalo Lake NWR (TBRC 1994-38) that was discussed during the 1997 annual meeting. The record indicated that the swan had a green neck band with white lettering. Ken Seyffert had contacted the Trumpeter Swan Society and learned that green neck collared swans could only be Trumpeter Swans. Tundra Swans are banded with gray neck bands. It was assumed from this information that the reintroduced individuals in the Midwest were also banded with green collars. Lockwood agreed to contact the Trumpeter Swan Society in an attempt to gather additional information.
TOS Checklist of the Birds of Texas
Lockwood and Freeman proposed they begin the process of updating the Checklist of Texas Birds (TOS 1995). The committee agreed to accepted the proposal, which only dealt with the updating of the manuscript. The proposal for updating the checklist included deleting most of the subspecies accounts found in the current edition. Decisions about how best to proceed with publication will be pursued after the TBRC has the completed update of the manuscript.
Band Recovery Data
Reid and Lockwood uncovered data concerning recoveries of banded review species in Texas. Reid received information about four California Gulls banded in North Dakota and recovered in Texas. Lockwood queried the Bird Banding Lab about recoveries of American Black Ducks in Texas. Because of the minimal information available for the Black Duck recoveries and the possibility of Mallard x Black Ducks could be included in the data, the committee decided not to review these reports. Reid agreed to try and get additional information about the California Gull banding.
TBRC Web Page
Reid agreed to continue maintaining the TBRC web page. Lockwood agreed to keep Reid informed on decisions made by the TBRC and be the point of contact for persons interested in the web site.
There being no other formal business on the agenda, the meeting was adjourned at about 3:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mark W. Lockwood
Secretary, Texas Bird Records Committee