TBRC Accepted Records

The following spreadsheet contains all Review List A (full species) records that have been ACCEPTED by the TBRC.

Explanation of columns:

  • species# - column that can be sorted to put species into current taxonomic order.

  • record# - number that indicates that this was record number N for that species base on first date order.

  • common name - current common name of species in question

  • latin name - current latin/scientific name of species in question

  • dates present - range of date(s) that the bird(s) were present

  • (sort) first date - a sortable column that is the actual first date if known or a reasonable close first date if that was not known.

  • (sort) last date - a sortable column that is the actual last date if known or a reasonable close last date if that was not known.

  • # of birds - # of birds documented

  • County - which county or counties where the bird(s) were documented

  • location - place or places where the bird(s) were documented

  • TBRC# - the TBRC record number if the record was assigned one.

  • TPRF# - the Texas Photo Record File number if the record was assigned one (because it contained images or video)

  • TBSL# - The Texas Bird Sound Library reference number if assigned, for early records that had audio included

  • Specimen# - The collection/location and reference # for that collection/location if there is known specimen.

  • Other References - any other published (or perhaps unpublished) reference that was used/considered as documentation.

  • Comments - any other comments on the record

**Abbreviations** - for abbreviations used in the below spreadsheet, refer to the second tab "Abbreviations" to understand what they refer to.