Texas Review List
The TBRC requests details, including descriptions and photos if possible, of all records of the following species.
Review List A -- Rarities
These species, in general, include birds that have occurred four or fewer times per year anywhere in Texas over a ten-year average. The TBRC requests documentation for review for any new or any previously unsubmitted record of the below species no matter how long ago the record occurred. The TBRC also requests details on any record of a species not yet accepted on the Texas State List (see Species not yet documented for Texas).
NOTE: the numbers in parentheses that follow each species name indicate the number of accepted records as of November 14, 2024. An asterisk after the number - e.g. "(14*)" - indicates that there are one or more records of known/presumed returning birds which may be counted more than once in the total (if they were allocated separate TBRC record numbers). Note: for formerly non-Review species added to the Review list (e.g. Tamaulipas Crow), pre-Review data may not exist, thus only records since inclusion on the TBRC list are accumulated (marked with "#").
Swans, Geese, and Ducks
Brant (41)
Trumpeter Swan (16)
Garganey (8)
Eurasian Wigeon (68*)
American Black Duck (10*)
White-cheeked Pintail (1)
Tufted Duck (1)
King Eider (3)
Common Eider (1)
Harlequin Duck (3)
Barrow's Goldeneye (11*)
Masked Duck (97)
American Flamingo (18)
Red-necked Grebe (36)
Pigeons and Doves
White-crowned Pigeon (4)
Ruddy Ground Dove (32)
Ruddy Quail-Dove (1)
Cuckoos, Roadrunners, and Anis
Smooth-billed Ani (1)
Dark-billed Cuckoo (1)
Mangrove Cuckoo (17)
Black Swift (2)
White-collared Swift (6)
Mexican Violetear (104)
Green-breasted Mango (25)
Amethyst-throated Mountain-gem (1)
Costa's Hummingbird (55)
White-eared Hummingbird (49)
Violet-crowned Hummingbird (27)
Berylline Hummingbird (5)
Rails, Gallinules, and Coots
Spotted Rail (3)
Paint-billed Crake (1)
Common Crane (4*)
Double-striped Thick-knee (1)
Plovers and Lapwings
Pacific Golden-Plover (1)
Southern Lapwing (1)
Collared Plover (3*)
Northern Jacana (45*)
Sandpipers and Phalaropes
Eskimo Curlew (19)
Bar-tailed Godwit (3*)
Black-tailed Godwit (1)
Black Turnstone (1)
Surfbird (13)
Ruff (44*)
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (3)
Curlew Sandpiper (13)
Red-necked Stint (2)
Purple Sandpiper (32)
Wandering Tattler (1)
Spotted Redshank (1)
Red Phalarope (59)
Skuas, Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers
South Polar Skua (2)
Long-tailed Jaeger (32)
Black-headed Gull (27*)
Black-tailed Gull (2)
Heermann's Gull (6)
Short-billed Gull (50)
Western Gull (6)
Yellow-footed Gull (1)
Yellow-legged Gull (2)
Slaty-backed Gull (8)
Glaucous-winged Gull (2)
Great Black-backed Gull (66*)
Kelp Gull (6*)
Brown Noddy (29)
Black Noddy (5)
Brown/Black Noddy (1)
Roseate Tern (2)
Arctic Tern (15)
Elegant Tern (15)
White-tailed Tropicbird (1)
Red-billed Tropicbird (17)
Yellow-billed Loon (9)
Yellow-nosed Albatross (4)
Wilson's Storm-Petrel (1)
Leach's Storm-Petrel (44)
Shearwaters and Petrels
Trindade Petrel (1)
Black-capped Petrel (3)
Stejneger's Petrel(1)
White-chinned Petrel (1)
Wedge-tailed Shearwater (2)
Sooty Shearwater (26) \
Great Shearwater (47)
Manx Shearwater (16)
Jabiru (15)
Boobies and Gannets
Blue-footed Booby (2)
Red-footed Booby (13)
Bare-throated Tiger-Heron (3)
Kites, Hawks, Eagles, and Harriers
Double-toothed Kite (1)
American Goshawk (28)
Steller's Sea-Eagle (1)
Crane Hawk (2)
Snail Kite (5)
Great Black Hawk (1)
Roadside Hawk (16)
Short-tailed Hawk (78)
Typical Owls
Snowy Owl (14)
Northern Pygmy-Owl (7)
Mottled Owl (3)
Stygian Owl (2)
Northern Saw-whet Owl (41)
Elegant Trogon (8)
Amazon Kingfisher (3)
Red-breasted Sapsucker (3)
Ivory-billed Woodpecker (3)
Caracaras and Falcons
Collared Forest-Falcon (1)
Bat Falcon (1)
Gyrfalcon (1)
Tityras and Becards
Masked Tityra (1)
Gray-collared Becard (1)
Tyrant Flycatchers
Greenish Elaenia (1)
Small-billed Elaenia (1)
White-crested Elaenia (1)
Nutting's Flycatcher (3)
Social Flycatcher (4)
Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher (40*)
Sulphur-bellied/Streaked Flycatcher (1)
Piratic Flycatcher (10)
Variegated Flycatcher (1)
Piratic/Variegated Flycatcher (1)
Thick-billed Kingbird (23)
Gray Kingbird (21)
Fork-tailed Flycatcher (58)
Tufted Flycatcher (6)
Greater Pewee (45*)
Buff-breasted Flycatcher (28)
Antshrikes and Antwrens
Barred Antshrike (1)
Black-whiskered Vireo (58)
Yucatan Vireo (1)
Jays, Magpies, and Crows
Brown Jay (added to Review List July 2007) (#7)
Pinyon Jay (added to Review List March 2011) (#14)
Clark's Nutcracker (28)
Black-billed Magpie (5)
Tamaulipas Crow (added to Review List Nov 2000) (#21)
Chickadees and Titmice
Black-capped Chickadee (1)
Blue-and-white Swallow (1)
Gray-breasted Martin (2)
Bohemian Waxwing (18)
Gray Silky-flycatcher (2)
Pacific Wren (1)
Mockingbirds and Thrashers
Blue Mockingbird (4)
Black Catbird (1)
American Dipper (10)
Old World Warblers, Flycatchers, and Thrushes
Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush (2)
Black-headed Nightingale-Thrush (1)
White-throated Thrush (19)
Rufous-backed Robin (29)
Varied Thrush (59)
Aztec Thrush (7)
Old World Flycatchers
Northern Wheatear (3)
Olive Warbler
Olive Warbler (8)
Wagtails and Pipits
White Wagtail (1)
Northern Finches
Evening Grosbeak (added to Review List Sept 2008) (#58)
Pine Grosbeak (7)
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch (1)
Redpoll (19)
White-winged Crossbill (10)
Lawrence's Goldfinch (22)
Longspurs and allies
Snow Bunting (8)
Sparrows, Blackbirds, Wood Warblers, Cardinals, and "Tanagers"
Yellow-eyed Junco (11)
Golden-crowned Sparrow (54*)
Black-vented Oriole (11*)
Streak-backed Oriole (3)
Shiny Cowbird (12)
Crescent-chested Warbler (3)
Connecticut Warbler (13)
Gray-crowned Yellowthroat (47)
Fan-tailed Warbler (2)
Rufous-capped Warbler (39*)
Golden-crowned Warbler (40*)
Slate-throated Redstart (21)
Flame-colored Tanager (20)
Crimson-collared Grosbeak (66)
Yellow Grosbeak (1)
Blue Bunting (73)
Red-legged Honeycreeper (2)
Yellow-faced Grassquit (6)
Review List B
List of recognizable subspecies which, if they were elevated to full species status, would qualify for placement under Review List A: Reports of these subspecies will always be solicited and formally reviewed. Seven such subspecies have been accepted:
Green-winged ("Eurasian") Teal (1)
Whimbrel ("Eurasian") (1)
Herring ("Vega") Gull (5)
Swainson's ("Russet-backed") Thrush (2)
Fox ("Slate-colored") Sparrow (7)
Dark-eyed ("White-winged") Junco (8)
Orchard ("Fuertes's") Oriole (2)
Presumptive List
The following is the official TBRC list of species for which written descriptions have been accepted by the TBRC but the species has not yet met the requirements for full acceptance on the Texas List (specimen, photo, video, or audio recording identifiable to species for at least one record). NOTE: any species marked "*" below has recent records in circulation that include identifying photographs, and will be elevated to Review List A when(if) those records are formally accepted.
Murre species (1)
Razorbill (1)