1988 Annual Report
Greg W. Lasley
305 Loganberry Court
Austin, Texas 78745-6527
This report contains the decisions of the Texas Bird Records Committee (hereafter "TBRC" or "committee") reached during 1988. For information on previous actions of the TBRC see Lasley (1988) and Arnold (1984 & 1985). 1988 was the first complete year that the TBRC operated under its current set of Bylaws which call for the committee to review all reports of the Review Species. In general, the Review Species are those that have occurred four or fewer times per year in Texas on an average over the past ten years. The TBRC is attempting to review all available reports of Review Species no matter how long ago they occurred, if a description or photo is available. Many of the records submitted to the TBRC during 1988 were found in old American Birds or Christmas Bird Count files, thus a substantial portion of the work of the committee during 1988 was to catch up on older records. The TBRC reached final decisions on 169 records during 1988: 122 records of 57 species were accepted, and 47 records of 38 species were not accepted, an acceptance rate of 72.2 % for this report. There were 205 observers who submitted descriptions or photos of records that were reviewed during 1988.
This report officially adds eight species to the Texas state list: Glossy Ibis, Muscovy Duck, Crane Hawk, Mew Gull, Mottled Owl, Violet-crowned Hummingbird, Yellow-eyed Junco, and Lawrence's Goldfinch. The TBRC also reviewed the only previously accepted record of Arctic Tern for the state when the record was questioned by several persons. After review, the TBRC voted to not accept the record thus deleting that species from the official state list. These actions brought the state list to 568 species at the end of 1988.
The TBRC solicits reports of any species on the Review List which is published at the end of this report, as well as any species not previously reported in Texas. We desire written descriptions as well as photographs if available. If anyone has information concerning a Review Species but is unsure how to submit that information please contact any member of the TBRC or the author of this report. There is a document available that lists every known record of the Review Species and giving the status (accepted, rejected, unsubmitted) of each record. If interested in this document, contact the author.
The records in this report are arranged taxonomically following The AOU Checklist of North American Birds (AOU 1983) as currently supplemented. Within each species the records are listed chronologically. The TBRC file number is preceded by the year the record was originally submitted to the committee. If photos are on file with the TBRC, the Texas Photo Record File (TPRF) number is given. If a tape recording of the bird is on file with the TBRC, the Texas Bird Sounds Library (TBSL) file number is given. Specimen records are denoted with an asterisk (*) followed by the institution and file number (if available) where the specimen is housed. The information in each account is usually based on the information provided in the original documentation submitted, but I have supplemented this with a full range of dates the bird(s) was present if that information was available to me. All observers who submitted written documentation or photos of accepted records are listed by initials. There has been no attempt to list all observers who saw a particular bird. The abbreviation AB in the below text refers to American Birds, a publication of National Audubon Society. All locations in italics are counties.
TBRC Membership: Members of the TBRC during 1988 who participated in the decisions listed in this report are: Keith Arnold, Chairman, Greg Lasley, Secretary, Ted Eubanks, Jim Morgan, Ken Seyffert, Frances Williams, Warren Pulich, and John Arvin.
Contributors: Lynne Aldrich, Tony Amos, Ben Archer, Tony Armijo (TAr), Mike Austin, Alma Barrera, Sharon Bartels, Jo Barten (JBa), Sue Bayley (SBay), James Beard, Bob Behrstock, Chris Benesh, Louis Bevier, Charles Boozer, Richard Bradley, Marcia & Ron Braun (M&RBrau), Bruce Broadbrooks, Bedford Brown, Dan Brunton (DBru), Kelly Bryan, Thomas Burke, Sheriton Burr (SBu), Caroline Calley (CCa), Nancy Calley (NCa), Jim Cameron, A.G. Canaris (AGC), Steve Cardiff (SCa), Oscar Carmona, Elizabeth Cheeseman, Charlie Clark, Gary Clark, R.D. Coggeshall (RDC), Bev Collier, Tom & Sherry Collins, John Coons, Silas Cooper, Rob Copeland, Wesley Cureton, Vidal Davilla, Irby Davis, Dave DeSante (DDe), Donna Dittman, Joyce Dolch (JDol), Jeff Donaldson (JDon), Gladys Donohue, Helen Downing, Jon Dunn, Richard Eakin, Charles Easley, Karen Edelson, Pat & James Ellis, Victor Emanuel, Ted Eubanks, Mike & Rose Farmer (M&RFa), Harold Fetters, Shawneen Finnegan, Charles Fisher, Raymond Fleetwood (RFl), Tony Gallucci, Charles & Louise Gambill (C&LGa), Luther Goldman, Michel Gosselin (MGo), Peter Gottschling, William Graber, Ed Greaves, Jeffrey Greenhouse, Michael Greenwald, Bryan Hale, Adele & Gerald Harding (A&GHar), Tim Harris, William Harwell, Carl Haynie, Donald Hazelwood (DHaz), Dave & Jill Heath, Mitch Heindel, Rhandy Helton (RHe), Chuck Hill (CHi), Dan Hillsman (DHi), Steve Hilty, Ned Hudson, Ron Huffman, Joe Ideker, Ruth Islieb, Nick & Debbie Jackson, Charlotte Johnson, Jerome Johnson, Barry Jones, Kevin Karlson, Kent Kennon (KKe), I.G. Kennon, Jack Kent, Edgar Kincaid (EKi), Jeff Kingery (JKi), Joseph Kleiman, Ollie & Nick Komar, Sandy Komito, Mike Krzywonski, Ed Kutac, John Lamey (JLam), Jim Lane, H.P. Langridge (HPL), Greg Lasley, Paul Lehman, John Lieftinck, Terry Little, Mark Lockwood, Annette Macek (AMac), Donna Maddox (DMad), Curtis Marantz, James Marshall (JMa), Edward Masthay, Davis Matson (DMat), Terry Maxwell, Wayne McAlister, Guy McCaskie, Mary Ann McClendon, Eve McCullough (EMcC), Elric McHenry, Ann McKenzie (AMcK), Bonnie McKinney, R.D. Medland (RDM), Ruthie Melton (RMel), William Meriwether, Don Meyers (DMey), June Moore (JuM), Jim Morgan (JMo), Tom Morris (TMo), Lois Moulton, Pat Moynahan, Ernest & Kay Mueller (E&KMu), John Muldrow (JMu), Andy O'Neil, Frank Oatman, Bob & Pam Odear (B&POd), Ollie Olsen, Nancy & Paul Palmer, Helen & Max Parker, Michael Patten (MPat), Steve Perry, Jon Peterson, Noel Pettingill (NPe), Arnold Pfrommer, Tom Pincelli, Randy Pinkston, Dave Pope, Paul Pratt (PPr), Warren Pulich, Jr., Scott Rea, Barbara & John Ribble (B&JRi), Robert Righter, Don Roberson, Phillip Rostron, John Rowlett, Rose Ann Rowlett (RAR), Luis & Sue Santaella (L&SSan), Tim Schantz (TSch), Willie Sekula, Chuck Sexton, Ken Seyffert, Michele Skeele, Charles Smith (CSm), Richard Smith, Wanda Smith (WSm), John Snyder (JSn), Linda Snyder, June Stacey (JSta), Susan Stappers, Tom Stehn, John Sterling (JSte), Angela Strehli, Paul Sykes, Fern Tainter, Verna Timm, Jim Tucker, John Tveten (JTv), Peter Vennema, George Wagner (GWag), Raymond Waite, Josephine Walker, George Wallace (GWal), Sally Weeks, Herbert Wessling, John White (JWh), Frances Williams, Jim Williams (JWi), Steve Williams (SWi), Doug Willick, Erika Wilson, Anse & Mary Windham (A&MWi), W.L.D. Winship (WLDW), Alan Wormington, Bob & Carol Yutzy, Barry Zimmer, Kevin Zimmer.
Acknowledgements. The TBRC is grateful to the many contributors listed above, without whom this report would not be possible. We would also like to thank the following consultants who provided valuable information to the TBRC concerning several records: William S. Clark, Jon Dunn, John W. Hardy, Jerome Jackson, Ned Johnson, Kenn Kaufman, Paul Lehman, Ralph Moldenhauer, Nancy Newfield, Ted Parker, Doug Pratt, J. Van Remsen, Kenneth Rosenberg, Tom Schulenberg, and Malcolm Mark Swan. In addition I would like to thank Chuck Sexton, Keith Arnold, Barry Zimmer, Jim Morgan, Carl Haynie, and John Arvin for reviewing early drafts of this article.
RED-THROATED LOON (Gavia stellata). One (1988-170, TPRF #653) photographed at the Newman Power Station in El Paso on 30 October 1985 (BZ, JDon). One (1988-186) seen 1-6 December 1987 at Calaveras Lake near San Antonio, Bexar (WS). One (1988-156, TPRF #646) at Lake Balmorhea, Reeves 31 January until 29 February 1988 (MA, FW, LB, AW.) A photograph of the Lake Balmorhea bird was published in AB 42:283.
ARCTIC/PACIFIC LOON (Gavia arctica/pacifica). It is presumed that all records of this species complex in Texas pertain to Pacific Loon but since sight or photo identification in winter plumage of these two species is difficult at best the TBRC has voted to list all records as Arctic/Pacific for the present time. One (1988-118) at Rockport, Aransas 17 December 1985 (CC). One (1988-198) at Stillhouse Hollow Lake, Bell 15 March 1987 (ML). One (1988-168) at Lake Waco, McLennan 15 December 1987 (JMu). This species may be more regular in Texas than has been assumed in the past. The TBRC has several records of this species that were still in circulation at the end of 1988.
CLARK'S GREBE (Aechmophorus clarkii). This species was formerly regarded as a color phase of the Western Grebe. Until 1985 most observers did not attempt to separate these forms in the field in Texas, but when the AOU named Clark's Grebe as a separate species in 1985 more attention was focused on its occurrence in Texas. Our knowledge is still limited, but it may be shown that this species is quite regular in winter in west Texas and it may be taken off the Review List in the future. One (1988-173) at the Newman Power Station in El Paso 13 December 1985 (BZ, JDon). Two (1988-190) at Lake Balmorhea in Reeves 14 March 1986 (LB). One (1988-151, TPRF #565) at Lake Balmorhea 28 December 1986 until 7 February 1987 (ML). A photo of the 86-87 Balmorhea bird was published in AB 41:297. Two (1988-157) at Lake Balmorhea 16 December 1987 until at least 16 February 1988 (PL, FW, AW, LB). Several other records of this species were still being considered by the TBRC at the end of 1988.
YELLOW-NOSED ALBATROSS (Diomedea chlororhynchos). One (1988-50) studied in detail 14 May 1972 on South Padre Island, Cameron (JMa).
CORY'S SHEARWATER (Calonectris diomedea). Two (1988-143, TPRF #633) photographed 19 August 1982 from a boat off Port Aransas, Nueces (TA). One (1988-140, TPRF #630, *TCWC #12161) found dead 4 August 1984 at Port Aransas, Nueces (TA). One (1988-141, TPRF #631, *TCWC #12160) found dead 9 November 1987 at Port Aransas, Nueces (TA).
GREATER SHEARWATER (Puffinus gravis). One (1988-167, TPRF #644) studied and photographed 20 April 1980 at High Island, Galveston (CE, B&JRi, VE).
MANX SHEARWATER (Puffinus puffinus). One (1988-139, TPRF #628, *TCWC #12163) found dead 13 November 1984 at Port Aransas, Nueces (TA). One (1988-138, TPRF #629, *TCWC #12162) found dead 7 October 1987 at Port Aransas, Nueces (TA).
BROWN BOOBY (Sula leucogaster). Two immatures (1988-52) seen 20 August 1977 at the Port Aransas jetties,Nueces/Aransas (M&RBrau, GL). One adult (1988-127) near the mouth of the Rio Grande at Boca Chica, Cameronon 20 December 1987 (TG). This is the only accepted winter record of the species in Texas.
GLOSSY IBIS (Plegadis falcinellus). One (1985-5, TPRF #352) at Eagle Mountain Fish Hatchery, Tarrant from 3-6 November 1983 and (what is presumed to be the same bird) returning 20 October until 15 December 1984 (RDC, CH, JSta). This record was originally not accepted by the TBRC (Arnold, 1985), but was resubmitted after additional material was made available. This record represents the first accepted record for Texas. One (1988-1, TPRF #559) photographed 21 April 1987 at Port Bolivar, Galveston feeding with a group of White-faced Ibises (JR, JSte, RDM, EW, VT). The spring of 1988 saw several more Glossy Ibis reports which were still in circulation through the committee at the end of 1988.
BRANT (Branta bernicla). One (1988-68) of the sub-species hrota seen 2 January 1976 on Aransas NWR,Aransas (WLDW). Two (1988-82, TPRF #598) of the sub-species hrota at Hagerman NWR, Grayson from 21 November 1987 until 26 January 1988 (AMac, JWi, CH). One of these birds only remained about two weeks.
MUSCOVY DUCK (Cairina moschata). Up to two adult and two immatures (1988-259, TPRF #401). Accepted dates include 7 Dec. 1984, 4 March through 12 April 1985 at Santa Margarita Ranch and Salineno in Starr and 11 April through 30 April 1986 at Santa Margarita Ranch, Starr (VE, FT, DHaz, DBru, RHe, GL, SH, BZ, B&POd, JP, AMcK). These records represent the first Texas and U.S. records of what are presumed to be wild vagrants from Mexican populations. Extensive documentation demonstrating population expansion in Mexico due to a nest box program was reviewed in detail by the TBRC and the ABA. It is known that the possibility of feral birds in the area of the presumed wild individuals exists, and all identifications of presumed wild birds should be well documented for review by the TBRC.
EURASIAN WIGEON (Anas penelope). One male (1988-192, TPRF #656) shot by a hunter 16 November 1976 in Hudspeth (AGC, BZ). One male (1988-147, TPRF #658) photographed in El Paso 11 February 1979 (KZ). One male (1988-13, TPRF #560) present at McNary Reservoir in Hudspeth from 18 March through 11 April 1985 (BZ, JDon). One male (1988-183, TPRF #654, *Texas A&I Univ.) shot 3 January 1988 at Laguna Salada, Kleberg (TH).
MASKED DUCK (Oxyura dominica). One male (1988-196, TPRF #657) present near Rio Hondo, Cameron from 28 March thru 18 June 1988 (M&RFa, PP, H&MP, JJ, CH, EG, BB, JMu). A photo of this bird was published in AB 42:372.
CRANE HAWK (Geranospiza caerulescens). One (1988-87, TPRF #595) at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo from 20 December 1987 thru 9 April 1988 (GWal, BC, TSch, GM, SP, DR, GL, CM, JD, SW, KK, C&LGa, TG, GWag). This exciting bird was the first record for Texas and the U.S. A photo of this bird was published in AB 42:194. This record is still being reviewed by the ABA.
COMMON BLACK-HAWK (Buteogallus anthracinus). One (1988-107) near Encino, Brooks on 23 April 1987 (AO, PP, SB). This species is reported in south Texas on many occasions but is seldom well documented.
NORTHERN JACANA (Jacana spinosa). One immature (1988-128, TPRF #639) photographed 28 November 1982 at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo (GL) was apparently present for several weeks but the TBRC has not been provided with any other descriptions or dates. One immature (1988-119) at Big Lake, Welder Wildlife Refuge, San Patricio 24-30 November 1985 (CC). One immature (1988-116) just west of Refugio, Refugio 14-31 March 1986 (CC).
PURPLE SANDPIPER (Calidris maritima). One (1988-33) at Hornsby Bend Ponds, Austin, Travis 29 & 30 March 1976 (JWh, B&JRi). This is the only accepted Texas record away from the coast. Several records from the Upper Texas Coast were still in circulation through the committee at the end of 1988.
RUFF (Philomachus pugnax). One (1988-57) on Galveston Island, Galveston 28 April 1968 (SWi, NPe). One (1988-57) also on Galveston Island, 29 April 1968 (different individual than above)(SWi, NPe). One (1988-78) north of High Island, Chambers 11 April 1981 (AW). One (1988-6) at the Williamson Creek Ponds, Austin, Travis on 5 October 1982 (GL, CS). It should also be noted that a Ruff that has been previously accepted (1986-4, TPRF #409) returned to San Antonio in the fall of 1987 and the fall of 1988 and was photographed (WS, MH, GL) on both occasions.
POMARINE JAEGER (Stercorarius pomarinus). One (1988-142, TPRF #632, *TCWC #12145) found at Port Aransas, Nueces 1-3 February 1988 (TA).
LONG-TAILED JAEGER (Stercorarius longicaudus). One adult (1988-35) in Austin, Travis 16 August 1975 (RAR). One adult (1988-161) seen flying over Aransas Bay, Aransas 20 February 1987 (EK).
LITTLE GULL (Larus minutus). One immature (1988-179) at Aransas NWR, Aransas on 7 March 1988 (GM).
HEERMANN'S GULL (Larus heermanni). One first-winter bird (1988-137, TPRF #648) photographed at Port Aransas, Nueces on 8 February 1983 (TA).
MEW GULL (Larus canus). One first-winter bird (1988-149, TPRF #634) present at Fort Hancock Reservoir,Hudspeth (PL, SF, LB) from 1 January 1988 until at least 13 February 1988 represented the first accepted record for the state. A photo of this bird was published in AB 42:194.
CALIFORNIA GULL (Larus californicus). One third-winter bird (1988-150, TPRF #635) at Fort Hancock Reservoir, Hudspeth on 1 January 1988 (PL, SF).
LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL (Larus fuscus). One adult (1988-65, TPRF #592) photographed at Bolivar Flats, Galveston on 29 March 1976 (AW, RC). One adult (1988-123) at the Greenwood City Dump, Corpus Christi,Nueces on 30 December 1980 (CC). One adult (1988-134, TPRF #625) at Port Aransas, Nueces on 14 March 1984 was thought to belong to the race fuscus or possibly intermedius (TA). A photo of this bird was published in AB 38:933. One adult (1988-86) at San Luis Pass, Galveston 16 January & 24 February 1988 (TE, AW). It should also be noted that the Lesser Black-backed Gull first photographed in 1983 at Port Aransas (TPRF #333) has wintered at the same location in each year since then and was still present at the end of 1988. It has been photographed by several observers each winter.
GLAUCOUS GULL (Larus hyperboreus). One first-winter bird (1988-129, TPRF #640) at Bolivar Flats,Galveston 25-27 April 1981 (RP, O&NK, GL). One first-winter bird (1988-135, TPRF #626) at Port Aransas,Nueces on 29 February 1984 (TA).
GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL (Larus marinus). One second-winter bird (1988-110) at Port Aransas,Nueces on 4 January 1986 (WP). One adult (1988-11) 10 mi east of High Island, Jefferson on 27 April 1986 (LB, DW, CM).
SABINE'S GULL (Xema sabini). One immature (1988-136, TPRF #647) photographed at Port Aransas, Nueceson 2 November 1982 (TA) is the latest ever fall record in Texas. One immature (1988-180) at the Amarillo sewage pond, Randall from 7-11 September 1987 (DMey, KS).
RUDDY GROUND-DOVE (Columbina talpacoti). One male (1988-30) 42 mi north of Rio Grande City in Brooks21 January 1979 (AB). Two (male & female) (1988-95, TPRF #602) at Rio Grande Village, Big Bend N.P., Brewsterfrom 12 December 1987 through "early" May 1988. (MA, BH, BM, FW, JTv, AW). The male was seen most often but could be quite difficult to locate at times. A photo of the male bird was published in AB 42:284.
MANGROVE CUCKOO (Coccyzus minor). One (1988-45) in Galveston, Galveston 30 December 1964 represents the earliest state record (P&JE). One (1988-88) at White Oak Bayou in Houston, Harris on 4 May 1987 (WC).
MOTTLED OWL (Ciccaba virgata). One (1988-18, TPRF #377) found dead along the side of the road near Bentsen State Park, Hidalgo on 23 February 1983 (DHi). This record made two circulations through the TBRC and the question of the origin of the bird was thoroughly discussed. Several committee members expressed some concern that the bird might have been accidentally transported to the U.S. in the grill of a vehicle and dropped to the pavement in Texas. In the end, however, the committee voted to accept the record. The species occurs in the wild within about 80 miles of the Texas border. This represents the first Texas and first U.S. record. This record is also being reviewed by the AOU and the ABA. See Lasley, Sexton, and Hillsman (1988).
SPOTTED OWL (Strix occidentalis). One (1988-166, TPRF #641) found dead along the road in El Paso on 15 November 1985 (BZ, JDon).
WHITE-COLLARED SWIFT (Streptoprocne zonaris). Two (1988-38) near Rockport, Aransas on 4 December 1974 (TB, SS) represented the first state and U.S. record of the species. One (1988-144, TPRF #555) at Freeport,Brazoria on 20 December 1987 was the first time the species had been photographed in the U.S. (JMo, TE, WSm, PG, LA, CSm, CCa, NCa). A photo of this bird was published in AB 42:289 and AB 42:551.
GREEN VIOLET-EAR (Colibri thalassinus). One (1988-69) at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo 11-28 July 1961 (Rfl, EKi, NH, ID). One (1988-70) at San Benito, Cameron on 14 April 1964 (RFl, NH). The above two records represent the earliest accepted state and U.S. records.
BROAD-BILLED HUMMINGBIRD (Cynanthus latirostris). One male (1988-44) at Bentsen State Park,Hidalgo on 23 June 1962 (HPL). One male (1988-102, TPRF #627) photographed in San Antonio, Bexar on 25 May 1975 (A&GHar). One female (1988-172) at McNary Reservoir, Hudspeth on 18 September 1985 (BZ, JDon). One male (1988-178) at Falfurrias, Brooks on 15 January 1988 (AO).
VIOLET-CROWNED HUMMINGBIRD (Amazilia violiceps). One (1988-83, TPRF #594) at El Paso, El Pasofrom 2-14 December 1987 (EMcC, BZ, JDon) represented the first state record. A photo of this bird was published in AB 42:193.
COSTA'S HUMMINGBIRD (Calypte costae). One male (1988-159, TPRF #645) at a feeder in Kingsville,Kleberg from 21-24 January 1988 (A&MWi, N&PP). A photo of this bird was published in AB 42:289.
ALLEN'S HUMMINGBIRD (Selasphorus sasin). One male (1988-51, TPRF #620, *tail feathers TCWC #12164) in Helotes, Bexar from 6 November through 20 December 1987 (PM, SBay, GL, RH). This report represents the first unquestioned record for Texas; the only other accepted record is a specimen that apparently shows hybrid characteristics with Rufous. See Newfield (1983). The Helotes bird was netted, measured, and photographed in the hand. The species is very difficult to confirm in Texas since there are published references to green-backed adult male Rufous Hummingbirds. At our present state of knowledge it is necessary to capture and measure any suspected Allen's Hummingbird before the record can be accepted by the TBRC.
LEWIS' WOODPECKER (Melanerpes lewis). One (1988-19) in the Davis Mountains, Jeff Davis on 15 March 1983 (RE). One (1988-63, TPRF #605, *TCWC #12165) discovered 1 December 1987 (TG, E&KMu, GL, BA) in Kerrville, Kerr delighted observers for five months before being found dead on the road on 26 April 1988 (AP). A photo of this bird was published in AB 42:194. One (1988-115, TPRF #623) in Ft. Worth, Tarrant from 17 January until 13 April 1988 (KKe, IK, CH, AW, RDC). There are over 30 undocumented reports of this species in Texas since 1935, but only five accepted records by the end of 1988.
WILLIAMSON'S SAPSUCKER (Sphyrapicus thyroideus). One female (1988-171) at the Hueco Club Golf Course in El Paso on 17 September 1986 (BZ). There are approximately 60 reports of this species in Texas over the years, most are apparently without any documentation that can be submitted to the TBRC.
SULPHUR-BELLIED FLYCATCHER (Myiodynastes luteiventris). One (1988-80, TPRF #596) at the Johnson property near Port Bolivar, Galveston from 7-10 May 1983 (PV, JMo, DMat) represents the second Texas record and the first time photos have been taken of the species in Texas.
ROSE-THROATED BECARD (Pachyramphus aglaiae). A pair (1988-131, TPRF #655) was photographed at Bentsen State Park, Hidalgo (GL) on 27 November 1982. These birds were apparently seen from late October 1982 into January 1983 but no additional written documentation was submitted to the TBRC. An immature male (1988-90) was at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo on 28 & 29 December 1987 (GM, PL). A female (1988-133) was at Salineno,Starr from 20-29 January 1988 (CB, GL, KB). This bird was probably present from December 1987 into February 1988 but no additional documentation was submitted. Like the Lewis' Woodpecker and Williamson's Sapsucker, there are many undocumented reports of this species in Texas, but very few accepted records.
CLARK'S NUTCRACKER (Nucifraga columbiana) One (1988-14) in Amarillo, Potter on 19 January 1979 (BZ). Three (1988-98) at Guadalupe Mountains Nat. Park, Culberson on 27 November 1987 (RH, PM, SBay).
AMERICAN DIPPER (Cinclus mexicanus). One or two (1988-94, TPRF #601) from 24 October 1987 until 14 March 1988 in McKittrick Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains Nat. Park, Culberson (TAr, ML, N&DJ, OO, VD).
CLAY-COLORED ROBIN (Turdus grayi). One (1988-71) at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo from 2-5 March 1962 (JLi, RFl). One (1988-96, TPRF #593) at Bentsen State Park, Hidalgo on 24 March 1976 (AW). One (1988-120) at Bentsen State Park 18 January 1981 (CC). One (1988-22, TPRF #700) from 31 December 1981 until 5 February 1982 at the Sarita rest stop, Kenedy (SCa, MGo). The winter of 1987-88 saw a virtual invasion of this species into south Texas and several records are still in circulation through the committee. Accepted records thus far include: One (1988-145) in Weslaco, Hidalgo on 5 December 1987 (RFa). Two (1988-89, TPRF #599, TBSL #173-01) from 13 December 1987 until 5 April 1988 at Santa Ana NWR (TSch, KE, TG, GM, GL, MPat, PL, BA). Two (1988-145) at the Sabal Palm Sanctuary, Cameron from 14 December 1987 until 25 January 1988 (M&RFa). One (1988-132) in McAllen, Hidalgo on 28 December 1987 (GM, PL) and reported without details into January 1988. One (1988-176) on 15-16 January, 28 February, and 3 March 1988 in Falfurrias, Brooks (AO). One (1988-163, TPRF #643) near Ricardo, Kleberg on 21 January 1988 (PP, AO). One (1988-184, TPRF #659) at Aransas NWR, Aransas 7-12 February 1988 (BJ). One (1988-185) south of Falfurrias, Brooks on 20 February 1988 (JDol). Two (1988-174) at San Ygnacio, Zapata on 21 February 1988 (HW). One (1988-162) in Victoria, Victoria from 28 February until 3 April 1988 (RMel). It should also be noted that a pair or two of Clay-colored Robins has been resident at Bentsen State Park since at least 1985 and has nested successfully several times (TPRF #355, TBSL #163-01).
RUFOUS-BACKED ROBIN (Turdus rufopalliatus). One (1988-20) at Falcon Dam, Starr on 29 December 1975 (GM, JD).
VARIED THRUSH (Ixoreus naevius). One male (1988-148, TPRF #652) in Midland, Midland from 8 January until 17 February 1988 (FW, ML, TL).
AZTEC THRUSH (Ridgwayia pinicola). One adult male (1988-27) at Port Aransas, Nueces on 30 January 1979 (JC, WP).
BOHEMIAN WAXWING (Bombycilla garrulus). Five (1988-25) seen 12 February 1980 in Bastrop (HD). One (1988-177) in Falfurrias, Brooks on 24 December 1987 (AO).
GRAY-CROWNED YELLOWTHROAT (Geothlypis poliocephala). One male (1988-155, TPRF #637, TBSL #159-01) at the Sabal Palm Sanctuary, Cameron from 15 February until 3 April 1988 (M&RFa, J&DH, CS, GL, KK, GWag, AW, MA, GM, JD, MPat) represents the first accepted Texas and U.S. record since 1927. Photos of this bird were published in AB 42:194, 291.
RED-FACED WARBLER (Cardellina rubrifrons). One (1988-104) in the Franklin Mountains, El Paso on 16 May 1968 (L&SSan). One (1988-105) in Buescher State Park, Bastrop on 11 May 1982 (AS). See Lasley et al. (1982).
GOLDEN-CROWNED WARBLER (Basileuterus culicivorus). One (1988-100, TPRF #604) from 31 December 1987 until 19 March 1988 at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo (PPr, JBa, JI, DR, LM, JKi, TG, BB, MPat, GM, GWag, OC, KK, BA, SW, CM, HW).
CRIMSON-COLLARED GROSBEAK (Rhodothraupis celaeno). One female or immature (1988-81, TPRF #597, TBSL #157-01) at Bentsen State Park, Hidalgo from 2-12 November 1987 (SR, C&LGa, GWag, KE, PS, MA). One adult male (1988-91) 28 December 1987 at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo (JLam, GM, PL). One female or immature (1988-99, TPRF #603) at Sabal Palm Sanctuary, Cameron from 28 December 1987 until 29 April 1988 (M&RFa, GL). One female or immature (1988-164, TPRF #638) at Laguna Vista, Cameron on 31 January 1988 (MK). A photo of this bird was published in AB 42:194. One female or immature (1988-152, TPRF #636, TBSL #162-01) at Aransas NWR, Aransas from 3 February until 9 April 1988 (BJ, EC, TS, MA, CC, GL, AW, GM, JD, MPat).
BLUE BUNTING (Cyanocompsa parellina). One immature male (1988-130) at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo on 18 October 1985 (DDe). One or two males (1988-103, TPRF #621, TBSL #161-01) from 13 December 1987 until 9 January 1988 at Santa Ana NWR (KE, SK, SP, DP, TSch, TG, PL, CM, OC). Three (one male and two females)(1988-93, TPRF #600) from 21 December 1987 until at least "early" April 1988 in the trailer loop at Bentsen State Park, Hidalgo (GWag, GM, MPat, CM, JSn). One female (1988-92) along a hiking trail in Bentsen State Park on 29 December 1987 (GM). One female (1988-153) from 20 December 1987 until 12 February 1988 in Clute, Brazoria(MA, JB, PL, WC). One male (1988-154, TPRF #642) from 20 December 1987 until "early" January 1988 in Brazosport, Brazoria (TMo, TC, CHi, JMo). One female (1988-125, TPRF #622, TBSL #161-01) seen on 5 & 30 January 1988 at Salineno, Starr (TG, KK). One female (1988-191) at Santa Ana NWR on 12 January 1988 (CM). One female (1988-146) at the Sabal Palm Sanctuary, Cameron on 7 February 1988 (MFa) may have been present for up to three weeks prior to that date, but no documentation was submitted for earlier dates.
GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW (Zonotrichia atricapilla). One (1988-56) from 25 October 1986 until 10 February 1987 at Junction, Kimble (N&DJ).
YELLOW-EYED JUNCO (Junco phaeonotus). Two (1988-97) in McKittrick Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains Nat. Park, Culberson on 25 November 1987 (RH, PM, SBay). One (1988-187, TPRF #660) in McKittrick Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains Nat. Park from 20 March until "early" April 1988 (OO, MS). The above two records represent the only currently accepted Texas records and may pertain to the same bird(s).
LAWRENCE'S GOLDFINCH (Carduelis lawrencei). One (1988-101, TPRF #533) at Hueco Tanks State Park,El Paso on 7 Dec 1984 (RW) represents the only accepted Texas record despite many undocumented reports over the years.
A number of factors may contribute to a record being denied acceptance. It is rather uncommon for a record to not be accepted because the bird was obviously misidentified. More often, a record may be denied acceptance because the information provided to the TBRC was not sufficient to document the reported occurrence or eliminate all other similar species.
RED-THROATED LOON (Gavia stellata). One (1988-43) at Woodlawn Lake, San Antonio, Bexar on 2 November 1961. Two (1988-58) at Port Mansfield, Willacy on 6 January 1969.
ARCTIC/PACIFIC LOON (Gavia arctica/pacifica). One (1988-64) at Braunig Lake, Bexar on 6 November 1987.
CORY'S SHEARWATER (Calonectris diomedea). Forty-five (1988-29) seen off Port Aransas, Nueces on 2 October 1976. The TBRC felt that a correct identification was probably made but the details taken at the time were not sufficient to accept the record.
BAND-RUMPED STORM-PETREL (Oceanodroma castro). One (1988-53) along Los Olmos Creek on theKleberg/Kenedy line on 30 May 1965.
WHITE-TAILED TROPICBIRD (Phaethon lepturus). Two (1988-54) off of Galveston, Galveston on 12 November 1966. This species has been reported on several occasions in Texas over the years but sufficient documentation has never been obtained to allow its inclusion on the Texas list.
SCARLET IBIS (Eudocimus ruber). Two (1988-9) reported flying over Port Bolivar, Galveston on 26 April 1987. The TBRC expressed doubts concerning the identification as well as the possible origin of these birds if indeed they were Scarlet Ibises.
BRANT (Branta bernicla). Fifteen (1988-10) seen flying over the surf at Port Aransas, Nueces on 7 April 1986. The TBRC expressed concern over the brevity of this observation.
BARROW'S GOLDENEYE (Bucephala islandica). One male (1988-85) at Packery Channel, Nueces on 2 December 1987. The TBRC generally felt that the submitted description was not detailed enough to eliminate the possibility of Common Goldeneye. There is still not an unquestioned record of this species in Texas.
COMMON BLACK-HAWK (Buteogallus anthracinus). One (1988-169) in Kimble on 16 February 1988.
ROADSIDE HAWK (Buteo magnirostris). One (1988-2) reported from 27 December 1986 until 5 February 1987 at Brownsville, Cameron. This was a frustrating record for the TBRC in that there were just a few descriptions submitted even though it was reported that one hundred or more observers saw the bird. Of the submitted descriptions there were too many discrepancies for the committee to rule out some plumages of Broad-winged or Red-shouldered Hawk. There were no photos submitted even though it was reported that the bird allowed close approach and it is likely that someone did take pictures of it. As with any unaccepted record, the TBRC will gladly review the record for a second time if additional information or photos are obtained.
APLOMADO FALCON (Falco femoralis). One (1988-49) at Boca Chica, Cameron on 24 April 1972. One (1988-48) at Aransas NWR, Aransas on 17 March 1973. One (1988-36) at Falcon Dam, Starr on 12 April 1975. In the above three cases the TBRC felt that the descriptions were too brief and not detailed enough to rule out other species.
ESKIMO CURLEW (Numenius borealis). Three (1988-7) reported at Blackjack Point, Aransas on 2 May 1987.
CURLEW SANDPIPER (Caldris ferruginea). One (1988-47) at Rockport, Aransas on 28 December 1970. The TBRC expressed concern over the lack of a description of the rump of the bird as well as the very unusual date.
RUFF (Philomachus pugnax). One (1988-16) near Winnie, Chambers on 19 April 1987.
PARASITIC JAEGER (Stercorarius parasiticus). One immature (1988-112) in Brazoria on 31 December 1983. The TBRC felt the bird was certainly a jaeger species, however the submitted description was not sufficient for a positive identification.
LITTLE GULL (Larus minutus). One immature (1988-31) at Austin, Travis on 10 September 1976.
COMMON BLACK-HEADED GULL (Larus ridibundus). One (1988-60) at Rockport, Aransas on 22 & 27 January 1972.
LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL (Larus fuscus). One to three adults (1988-108) at Boca Chica, Cameron on 21 & 24 October 1971. One adult (1988-12) at Corpus Christi, Nueces on 29 December 1985. One first-winter bird (1988-158) at Boca Chica, Cameron on 20 December 1987.
WESTERN GULL (Larus occidentalis). One adult (1988-122) at Greenwood City Dump, Corpus Christi, Nueceson 30 December 1980. The TBRC felt that a correct identification was likely made, but the submitted description did not totally eliminate several other gull species including Yellow-footed Gull.
GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL (Larus marinus). One adult (1988-62) at Laguna Atascosa NWR, Cameron on 11 November 1973.
SABINE'S GULL (Xema sabini). One (1988-199) at the Bolivar Jetty, Galveston on 25 October 1987.
ROSEATE TERN (Sterna dougallii). One (1988-55) on Bolivar Peninsula, Galveston on 8 April 1968. One (1988-24) at Rollover Pass, Gilchrist, Galveston on 10 November 1980. There is still not an unquestioned record for Texas of this species.
ARCTIC TERN (Sterna paradisaea). Five (1988-165, TPRF #78) at Bolivar Flats, Galveston from 12-26 April 1975. This record had been the only accepted Texas record for 13 years, but was reviewed by the TBRC in 1988 when several persons questioned its validity. After review, the TBRC felt that neither the photo or description was sufficient to eliminate Common Tern from consideration.
RUDDY GROUND-DOVE (Columbina talpacoti). One (1988-46) near Laguna Atascosa NWR, Cameron on 21 April 1970.
MANGROVE CUCKOO (Coccyzus minor). One (1988-66) at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo on 24 September 1975.
GREEN VIOLET-EAR (Colibri thalassinus). One (1988-61) on 24 March 1973 at Corpus Christi, Nueces.
RUFOUS-TAILED HUMMINGBIRD (Amazilia tzacatl). One (1988-41) at Brownsville, Cameron on 20 August 1974.
ELEGANT TROGON (Trogon elegans). One (1988-72) at San Benito, Cameron on 23 & 24 September 1957. The TBRC felt that this was a good record, but the details that were gleaned out of old files were simply not sufficient for acceptance. The TBRC is making an effort to obtain additional information on this record and it may be resubmitted at a later date.
RED-NAPED SAPSUCKER (Sphyrapicus nuchalis). One (1988-17, TPRF #505) in Houston, Harris 9-13 March 1987. Although not listed as a "Review Species" by the TBRC, the committee reviewed this record at the request of a member. The photos clearly show a red patch on the nape of the bird, however other characters tend to be more consistent with Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. Evidence was presented to the committee that indicates some Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers can show red at the nape.
NUTTING'S FLYCATCHER (Myiarchus nuttingi). One (1988-188) at Rio Grande Village, Big Bend Nat. Park,Brewster on 23 January 1988. The TBRC felt that definitive photos or tape recordings of calls would be necessary to accept a first state record of this species which is so similar to several other members of its genus.
THICK-BILLED KINGBIRD (Tyrannus crassirostris). One (1988-32) at Bentsen State Park, Hidalgo on 29 March 1976.
GRAY KINGBIRD (Tyrannus dominicensis). One (1988-75) at La Porte, Harris on 25 October 1958.
VARIED THRUSH (Ixoreus naevius). One (1988-59) in Nacogdoches on 28 November 1969.
BENDIRE'S THRASHER (Toxostoma bendirei). One (1988-34) in McCulloch on 25 November 1975. There are still no accepted records of this species in Texas despite many unconfirmed reports over the years.
BLACK-WHISKERED VIREO (Vireo altiloqus). One (1988-23) at Crystal Beach, Galveston on 10 April 1982.
CONNECTICUT WARBLER (Oporornis agilis). One (1988-42) in San Antonio, Bexar on 23 May 1959. One (1988-28) at the Sabal Palm Sanctuary, Cameron on 24 January 1979.
GRAY-CROWNED YELLOWTHROAT (Geothlypis poliocephala). One (1988-40) at San Ygnacio, Zapata on 27 January 1975. One (1988-21) at San Ygnacio, Zapata on 27 February 1982. One (1988-84) at San Ygnacio,Zapata on 28 November 1987. The TBRC did not feel that any of the above records gave adequate descriptions for this species. The general birding community assumes that this species is regular in south Texas and there are several unconfirmed reports each year. The fact remains that at the end of 1988 there was only one accepted record of this species in the past 60 years which is also listed in the present report. Observers need to exercise great caution in making identifications of this species.
GOLDEN-CROWNED WARBLER (Basileuterus culicivorus). One (1988-8) at Brownsville, Cameron on 31 December 1985.
American Ornithologists Union. 1983. Checklist of North American Birds, 6th ed. American Ornithol. Union,
Baltimore, MD.
Arnold, K.A. 1984. Decisions of the T.O.S. Bird Records Committee for 1984. Bull. Texas Ornith. Soc. 17 (1&2): 18-19.
Arnold, K.A. 1985. Decisions of the T.O.S. Bird Records Committee for 1985. Bull. Texas Ornith. Soc. 18 (1&2) 31-32.
Lasley, G.W., D.A. Easterla, C.W. Sexton, and D.A. Bartol.
1982. Documentation of the Red-faced Warbler in Texas and a Review of its Status in Texas and Adjacent Areas.
Bull. Texas Ornith. Soc. 15 (1&2):8-14.
Lasley, G.W. 1988. Texas Bird Records Committee Report for 1987. Bull. Texas Ornith. Soc. 21 (1&2):25-32.
Lasley, G.W., C. Sexton, and D. Hillsman. 1988. First Record of Mottled Owl (Ciccaba virgata) in the United
States. American Birds 42:23-24.
Newfield, N.L. 1983. Records of Allen's Hummingbirds in
Louisiana and possible Rufous X Allen's Hummingbird
Hybrids. Condor 85:253-254.
Oberholser, H.C. 1974. The Bird Life of Texas. The
University of Texas Press, Austin.
TOS. 1984. The T.O.S. Checklist of the Birds of Texas.
2nd ed. Texas Ornithological Society.
REVIEW LIST: The Review List below is in its early stages and there may be some changes during the next few years. We hope that this list will become relatively stable in a very short time. We welcome reports of the following birds as well as any report of a species not yet accepted in Texas:
Red-throated Loon, Arctic/Pacific Loon, Yellow-billed Loon, Red-necked Grebe, Clark's Grebe, Yellow-nosed Albatross, Cory's Shearwater, Greater Shearwater, Sooty Shearwater, Manx Shearwater, Audubon's Shearwater, Wilson's Storm-Petrel, Leach's Storm-Petrel, Band-rumped Storm-Petrel, Red-billed Tropicbird, Blue-footed Booby, Brown Booby, Red-footed Booby, Glossy Ibis, Jabiru, Greater Flamingo, Brant, Muscovy Duck, American Black Duck, White-cheeked Pintail, Garganey, Eurasian Wigeon, Barrow's Goldeneye, Masked Duck, Snail Kite, Common Black-Hawk, Northern Goshawk, Crane Hawk, Roadside Hawk, Aplomado Falcon, Paint-billed Crake, Spotted Rail, Double-striped Thick-Knee, Northern Jacana, Eskimo Curlew, Surfbird, Purple Sandpiper, Curlew Sandpiper, Ruff, Pomarine Jaeger, Parasitic Jaeger, Long-tailed Jaeger, Little Gull, Common Black-headed Gull, Heermann's Gull, Mew Gull, California Gull, Thayer's Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Western Gull, Glaucous Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, Black-legged Kittiwake, Sabine's Gull, Elegant Tern, Roseate Tern, Arctic Tern, Brown Noddy, Black Noddy, Ruddy Ground-Dove, Mangrove Cuckoo, Snowy Owl, Northern Pygmy-Owl, Mottled Owl, Spotted Owl, Northern Saw-whet Owl, White-collared Swift, Green Violet-ear, Broad-billed Hummingbird, White-eared Hummingbird, Rufous-tailed Hummingbird, Violet-crowned Hummingbird, Antillean Crested Hummingbird, Costa's Hummingbird, Allen's Hummingbird, Elegant Trogon, Lewis' Woodpecker, Williamson's Sapsucker, Ivory-billed Woodpecker, Greenish Elaenia, Greater Pewee, Dusky-capped Flycatcher, Tropical Kingbird, Thick-billed Kingbird, Gray Kingbird, Fork-tailed Flycatcher, Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher, Rose-throated Becard, Gray-breasted Martin, Clark's Nutcracker, Black-billed Magpie, American Dipper, Clay-colored Robin, Rufous-backed Robin, Varied Thrush, Aztec Thrush, Bohemian Waxwing, Northern Shrike, Gray Silky-flycatcher, Black-whiskered Vireo, Yellow-green Vireo, Yucatan Vireo, Connecticut Warbler, Gray-crowned Yellowthroat, Red-faced Warbler, Golden-crowned Warbler, Rufous-capped Warbler, Crimson-collared Grosbeak, Blue Bunting, Baird's Sparrow, Henslow's Sparrow, Golden-crowned Sparrow, Yellow-eyed Junco, Snow Bunting, Black-vented Oriole, Pine Grosbeak, White-winged Crossbill, Common Redpoll, Lawrence's Goldfinch.