2004 Annual Report
402 E. Harriet Ave., Alpine, Texas 79830
The Texas Bird Records Committee (hereafter "TBRC" or "committee") of the Texas Ornithological Society requests and reviews documentation on any record of a TBRC Review List species (see Lockwood 2003 or TBRC web page at http://texasbirds.org/tbrc/). Annual reports of the committee's activities have appeared in the Bulletin of the Texas Ornithological Society since 1984. For more information about the Texas Ornithological Society or the TBRC, please visit www.texasbirds.org. . The committee reached a final decision on 129 records during 2004: 100 records of 51 species were accepted and 29 records of 23 species were not accepted, an acceptance rate of 77.5% for this report. There were 147 observers who submitted documentation (to the TBRC or to other entities) that was reviewed by the committee during 2004.
In 2004 the TBRC accepted first state records of South Polar Skua, Glaucous-winged Gull, and Black-headed Nightingale-Thrush. In addition, the A.O.U. Committee on Classification and Nomenclature elevated Cackling Goose to species status (Banks et al. 2004) bringing the official Texas State List to 627 species in good standing. This total does not include the five species listed on the Presumptive Species List.
In addition to the review of previously undocumented species, any committee member may request that a record of any species be reviewed. The committee requests written descriptions as well as photographs, video, and audio recordings if available. Information concerning a Review List species may be submitted to the committee secretary, Mark Lockwood, 402 E. Harriet Ave., Alpine, Texas 79830 (email: mark.lockwood@tpwd.state.tx.us). Guidelines for preparing rare bird documentation can be found in Dittmann and Lasley (1992) or at http://www.greglasley.net/document.html.
The records in this report are arranged taxonomically following the AOU Check-list of North American Birds (AOU 1998) through the 45th supplement (Banks et al. 2004). A number in parentheses after the species name represents the total number of accepted records in Texas for that species at the end of 2004. All observers who submitted written documentation or photographs of accepted records are acknowledged by initials. If known, the initials of those who discovered a particular bird are in boldface but only if the discoverers submitted supporting documentation. The TBRC file number of each accepted record will follow the observers' initials. If photographs or video recordings are on file with the TBRC, the Texas Photo Record File (TPRF) (Texas A&M University) number is also given. If an audio recording of the bird is on file with the TBRC, the Texas Bird Sounds Library (TBSL) (Sam Houston State University) number is also given. Specimen records are denoted with an asterisk (*) followed by the institution where the specimen is housed and the catalog number. The information in each account is usually based on the information provided in the original submitted documentation; however, in some cases this information has been supplemented with a full range of dates the bird was present if that information was made available to the TBRC later. All locations in italics are counties.
TBRC Membership -- Members of the TBRC during 2004 who participated in decisions listed in this report were: John Arvin (Chair), Keith Arnold (Academician), Mark Lockwood (Secretary), Kelly Bryan, Eric Carpenter, Mel Cooksey, Petra Hockey, Brad McKinney, Jim Paton, Randy Pinkston, and Willie Sekula. During 2004, Arvin and Hockey retired from the committee, Pinkston was elected as Chairman, and Sekula and Carpenter were elected as regular members. The Academician and Secretary were re-elected.
Contributors -- A&SW - Ann & Stephen Williams, AF - Anthony Floyd, AG - Andy Garcia, B&JR - Barbara & John Ribble, BA - Ben Archer, BBa- Bill Baker, BBe - Brandon Best, BC - Bill Clark, BFr - Brush Freeman, BG - Brian Gibbons, BH - Berlin Heck, BLa - Bubba La Mont, BLe - Bob Lewis, BMa - Bill Matthews, BMc - Brad McKinney, BO - Brent Ortego, BP - Barrett Pierce, BR - Barbara Ribble, BRa - Barbara Rapstein, BS - Brian Sullivan, BT - Barbara Tompkins, BZ - Barry Zimmer, CBe - Chris Benesh, CBr - Charles Brower, CE - Carol Edwards, CFe - Carol Ferguson,CFo - Cat Foster, CH - Charles Howell, CL - Charles Lyon, CM - Charles Mills, CO - Carolyn Ohl, CSa - Carlos Sanchez, C-TL - Cin-Ty Lee, DaH- David Holmes, DC - Dede Crusinberry, DF - Dane Ferrell, DHo - Doug Holder, DLa - Derald Lary, DLe - Daniel Leavitt, DM - Dorothy Metzler,DO - Dale Ohl, DP - Dwight Peake, DQ - David Quady, DR - Daniel Russell, DT - Daniel Tunstall, DWa - Dennis Walden, DWo - David Wolf, EC - Eric Carpenter, EH - Erik Huebner, EK - Ed Kutac, ES - Elton Stillwell, F&JD - Fred & Judy Donaldson, FB - Frank Bumgardner, FC - Fernando Cerra, FJ - Frank Johnson, GeS - Georgina Swartz, GG - Georgette Guernsey, GSw - Glenn Swartz, GW - Greer Willis, HT - Heidi Trudell, JA - John Arvin, JaS - James Stewart, JB - Jeff Bouton, JF - Jesse Fagan, JG - John Gee, JH - John Hoogerheide, JiP - Jimmy Paz, JJ - John Jasek, JKe - Jerri Kerr, JKi - John Kiseda, JO - John Odgers, JPa - Jim Paton, J-SG - Jean-Sebastien Guenette , JSt - Jim Stevenson, J-ST - Jo-Szu Tsai, JWS - J. W. Sifford, JZ - Jimmy Zabriskie, KAC - Kathy Adams Clark, KB - Kelly Bryan, KS - Ken Seyffert, LBa - Lynn Barber, LBr - Lucie Bruce, LD - Larry Ditto, LJ - Lawrence Jordan, M&ME - Marc & Maryann Eastman, MAd - Mark Adams, MAn - Michael Anderson, MAu - Mike Austin, MB - Melissa Bowles, MC - Mel Cooksey, MD - Mike Dillon, MF - Mark Flippo, MHa - Martin Hagne, MHW - Mimi Hoppe Wolf, MI - Marshall Iliff,MiR - Michael Retter, MK - Mark Korducki, ML - Mark Lockwood, MO - Mike Overton, MRe - Martin Reid, MS - Marsha Seyffert, NBa - Noreen Baker, NBl - Nick Block, OC - Oscar Carmona, PeH - Pete Hosner, PHo - Petra Hockey, PS - Peder Svingen, PW - Philip Wheeler, RBa - Rob Bates, RBr - Rik Brittain, RDa - Rich Damron, RHi - Ron Hillstromb, RHo - Ruth Hoyt, RiW - Richard Webster, RK - Rich Kostecke, RMa - Ron Martin, RMS - RoseMarie Stortz, RPi - Randy Pinkston, RR - Ross Rasmussen, RT - Rob Tizard, RW - Randall Whitman, SA - Scott Atkinson,SB - Susan Beree, SCo - Scarlet Colley, SCr - Scott Craig, SG - Steve Gast, ShC - Sherry Collins, SIs - Stan Isley, SMa - Steve Matherly, SMo - Shirley Mondshine, SP - Sumita Prasad, SS - Steve Sosensky, StW - Stephen Williams, SWi - Sue Wiedenfeld, T&PF - Tony & Phyllis Frank, TC - Tom Collins, TF - Tony Frank, TG - Tony Gallucci, TK - Tracy Keltonic, WN - Wayne Nicholas, WP - William Phelan, WRi - Will Risser, WRu - Will Russell, WS - Willie Sekula.
Acknowledgments -- The TBRC is very grateful to the many contributors listed above, without whom this report would not be possible. The committee would also like to thank Ned Brinkley, Bill Clark, Chris Gibbins, Steve Howell, Mike Overton, Martin Reid, Bob Sargent, and Brian Wheeler for providing the TBRC with expert opinion concerning records reviewed during 2004. The author thanks Petra Hockey and Eric Carpenter for reviewing previous drafts of this report.
Additional Abbreviations -- AOU = American Ornithologists' Union; CU = Cornell University; NP = National Park; NWR = National Wildlife Refuge; SNA = State Natural Area; SP = State Park; TCWC = Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection (Texas A&M University); WMA = Wildlife Management Area.
Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator) (6). Two at Lake Marvin, Hemphill, from 8 December 2001-16 February 2002 (BP, KS; 2001-141; TPRF 2197). An imm. at Lubbock, Lubbock, on 15 November 2003 (AF; 2003-89).
Eurasian Wigeon (Anas penelope) (37). A male at Lake Rita Blanca, Hartley, on 23 April 2004 (RMa; 2004-66). A male at Lubbock, Lubbock, from 24 October-1 November 2004 (BBe, AF; 2004-85; TPRF 2226).
Red-necked Grebe (Podiceps grisegena) (19). One at Kurth Lake, Angelina, from 1 January-4 March 2004 (GG, DWo, MHW, DHo, JF; 2004-6; TPRF 2181). One at Lake Wright Patman, Bowie, on 24 January 2004 (MD; 2004-9).
Greater Shearwater (Puffinus gravis) (12). One off South Padre Island, Cameron, on 1 October 2004 (BMc, PHo, EC; 2004-80; TPRF 2223).
Manx Shearwater (Puffinus puffinus) (7). One at the South Padre Island jetty, Cameron, 13 September 2002 (PHo, TF, MAu, MO; 2002-101).
Leach's Storm-Petrel (Oceanodroma leucorhoa) (23). Up to two off South Padre Island, Cameron, on 20 June 2003 (PHo, EC, MAu; 2003-55).
Red-billed Tropicbird (Phaethon aethereus) (7). One off South Padre Island, Cameron, on 24 September 2004 (EC, BMc, PHo, T&PF, MAu, LBa; 2004-77; TPRF 2221).
Brown Booby (Sula leucogaster) (20). An adult 35 miles e. of Port Aransas, Nueces, on 27 July 2004 (JH; 2004-64).
Great Blue (White) Heron (Ardea herodias occidentalis) (4). One sub-adult at Texas City, Galveston, from 23 May-21 June 2004 (MAu, RDa, DP, LBa; 2004-49; TPRF 2212). One at the mouth of Carancahua Bay, Calhoun, 19-22 September 2004 (BFr; 2004-79).
Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber) (6). A sub-adult at the Texas City Dike, Galveston, from 20-31 May 2004 (MAu, BRa, DP, LBa, NBa, MS, CSa, KAC, DT, FJ, JJ, RHi, F&JD, TC; 2004-47; TPRF 2211). A sub-adult at Bahia Grande (4.5 mi. SW of Port Isabel), Cameron, from 24 June-29 July 2004 (BMc, LBa, SCr, ML, EC, RPi; 2004-55; TPRF 2216).
Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) (19). An imm. on a private ranch on n. Presidio on 8 May 2003 (KB; 2003-62; TPRF 2167). An imm. at Fort Worth, Tarrant, on 12 November 2003 (MRe, BMa; 2003-23).
Short-tailed Hawk (Buteo brachyurus) (23). One dark-morph adult at Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley SP, Hidalgo, 5 April-3 May 2003 (MI, OC; 2003-31). One light-morph adult at Sabal Palm Sanctuary, Cameron, from 31 March-27 May 2004 (CBe, RW, JB, ShC, DC, BC; 2004-29; TPRF 2205). One dark-morph bird at Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley SP, Hidalgo, from 6-9 April 2004 (JA; 2004-57; TPRF 2217). One light-morph adult at Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley SP, Hidalgo, on 19 June 2004 (BS; 2004-72). One light-morph adult at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo, from 20 June-4 July 2004 (BS; 2004-73; TPRF 2219). One light-morph adult at Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley SP, Hidalgo, on 12 August 2004 (JA; 2004-76).
Surfbird (Aphriza virgata) (8). One west of McFaddin NWR, Jefferson, on 6 & 11 April 2003 (EC, MO; 2003-29).
Purple Sandpiper (Calidris maritima) (16). One at Port Bolivar, Galveston, from 29 April-4 May 2003 (TK; 2003-37; TPRF 2162).
Ruff (Philomachus pugnax) (27). One at Anahuac NWR, Chambers, on 17 April 2002 (SS; 2002-85; TPRF 2200). One at Anahuac NWR,Chambers, on 19 April 2003 (C-TL; 2003-34). One near Port Lavaca, Calhoun, from 8-9 August 2003 (BFr; 2003-66).
South Polar Skua (Stercorarius maccormicki) (1). One off South Padre Island, Cameron, on 1 October 2004 (BMc; AG; 2004-81; TPRF 2224). This is the first documented record for the state as well as the Gulf of Mexico.
Long-tailed Jaeger (Stercorarius longicaudus) (17). One off South Padre Island, Cameron, on 24 September-1 October 2004 (BMc, EC, PHo, T&PF, MAu, LBa; 2004-78; TPRF 2222).
Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus) (23). One adult at Cooper Lake, Delta, from 15-21 November 2003 (EC; 2004-8; TPRF 2182). One adult at Lake Wright Patman, Bowie/Cass, from 14-17 March 2004 (MD, CM; 2004-24; TPRF 2190).
Black-tailed Gull (Larus crassirostris) (2). One second-year bird at Corpus Christi, Nueces, on 6 March 2004 (WS, B&JR; 2004-23; TPRF 2189).
Mew Gull (Larus canus) (28). A first-winter bird at McNary Reservoir, Hudspeth, on 26 November 2003 (EC; 2003-90). One adult at Lake Worth,Tarrant, from 3-5 January 2004 (MRe; 2004-22; TPRF 2188). One adult at El Paso, El Paso, on 7 January 2004 (JPa; 2004-7).
(Vega) Herring Gull (Larus argentatus vegae) (1). One adult at Corpus Christi, Nueces, from 26 February-1 April 2000 (WS, MRe, B&JR, PS; 2001-15; TPRF 2196). This is the first documented record for this subspecies for the state and possibly the first for the lower forty-eight states. This subspecies is sometimes considered as a separate species (Olsen and Larsson 2004).
Thayer's Gull (Larus thayeri) (62). A first-winter bird at Lake Belton, Bell, from 28 October-11 November 2003 (RPi, EC; 2003-84; TPRF 2169). One third-winter bird at Pointe San Luis, Galveston, from 8-15 November 2003 (MAu, SMa; 2003-85; TPRF 2170). A first-winter bird at Bolivar Flats and East Beach, Galveston, from 13 November-12 December 2003 (MAu, NBl, RDa; 2003-88; TPRF 2171). A first-winter bird at El Paso, El Paso, on 29 November 2003 (JPa; 2003-91; TPRF 2172). A first-winter bird at Balmorhea Lake, Reeves, from 12 December 2003-9 January 2004 (MAu, ML, EC; 2003-96; TPRF 2175). An adult at Corpus Christi, Nueces, on 28 February 2004 (WS; 2004-16; TPRF 2185). A second-winter bird at Corpus Christi, Nueces, from 4-24 March 2004 (MRe, WS, PHo, B&JR; 2004-18; TPRF 2203). A fourth-winter bird at Corpus Christi, Nueces, from 4 March-9 April 2004 (PHo, WS, MRe; 2004-19; TPRF 2204). Thayer's Gull was removed from the Review List at the TBRC annual meeting on 26 June 2004. All records submitted before that date will be reviewed.
Iceland Gull (Larus glaucoides) (2). One first-winter bird at Dallas, Dallas, on 4 February 2001 (BG, RR; 2001-47).
Slaty-backed Gull (Larus schistisagus) (3). An adult at Balmorhea Lake, Reeves, 1-10 December 2003 (RMS, CO, DO, JG, CE, EC, ML; 2003-93; TPRF 2174). An adult at Corpus Christi, Nueces, from 21-24 December 2003 (MC, WRu; 2004-27; TPRF 2191).
Glaucous-winged Gull (Larus glaucescens) (1). One adult at Fort Worth, Tarrant, from 6-8 January 2004 (MRe, LBa, B&JR; 2004-5; TPRF 2180). This is the first record for Texas.
Great Black-backed Gull (Larus marinus) (36). A first-winter bird at Galveston, Galveston, on 31 January 2004 (MAu; 2004-10).
Green Violet-ear (Colibri thalassinus) (42). One at Comfort, Kendall, from 1-11 May 2003 (PW, SWi; 2003-39; TPRF 2199).
White-eared Hummingbird (Hylocharis leucotis) (16). One on the Davis Mountains Preserve, Jeff Davis, on 19 June 2003 (BFr; 2003-54). A female at the Davis Mountains Resort, Jeff Davis, from 21-30 July 2004 (M&ME, RPi; 2004-61; TPRF 2218).
Costa's Hummingbird (Calypte costae) (14). A female/immature at El Paso, El Paso, on 24 October 2003 (BZ; 2003-100; TPRF 2177). An adult male at Panther Junction, Big Bend NP, Brewster, from 2-23 February 2004 (MF; 2004-11).
Allen's Hummingbird (Selasphorus sasin) (40). An adult male1 at El Paso, El Paso, from 22-25 July 2002 (BZ, 2003-2; TPRF 2201). An adult male1in the Davis Mountains Resort, Jeff Davis, from 2 August-6 November 2003 (ML; 2003-76; TPRF 2168). One male (banded) at Houston, Harris, from October 2003-15 February 2004 (A&SW, SP; 2004-17; TPRF 2186). One immature male (banded) near Victoria, Victoria, from 7 December 2003-28 February 2004 (BO; 2003-92; TPRF 2173). A male1 at Rockport, Aransas, from 31 December 2003-27 February 2004 (SB; 2004-12; TPRF 2183). One adult male (banded) at Corpus Christi, Nueces, on 10 January 2004 (GSw; 2004-4;*TCWC 14158). An adult male (banded) at West Columbia, Brazoria, on 30 January 2004 (CBr; 2004-13; TPRF 2184; *TCWC 14159). An adult male (captured) at Lake Jackson, Brazoria, on 14 February 2004 (CBr; 2004-30). 1Identification based on photographs, diagnostic tail measurements not available. Allen's Hummingbird was removed from the Review List at the TBRC annual meeting on 26 June 2004. All records submitted before that date will be reviewed.
Greater Pewee (Contopus pertinax) (15). One at San Antonio, Bexar, from 27 December 2003-24 January 2004 (WS, RPi, EH, NBa, GeS; 2003-102; TPRF 2179). One on the Davis Mountains Preserve, Jeff Davis, on 21 May 2004 (TG; 2004-48)
Buff-breasted Flycatcher (Empidonax fulvifrons) (6). Up to six (three adults and three fledglings) at the Davis Mountains Preserve, Jeff Davis, from 8 April-5 July 2004 (ML, KB; 2004-37; TPRF 2207; TBSL 240).
Dusky-capped Flycatcher (Myiarchus tuberculifer) (25). An old record was accepted after the "discovery" of a museum specimen collected at Brownsville, Cameron, on 3 April 1893 (*CU 8040; TPRF 2198). One (or possibly two) at Boot Spring, Big Bend NP, Brewster, from 4 May-17 July 2004 (EC, LBa, ML; 2004-39; TPRF 2209; TBSL 240). Up to five adults at the Davis Mountains Preserve, Jeff Davis, from 15 June-5 July 2004 (KB, ML; 2004-54; TPRF 2215; TBSL 240).
Thick-billed Kingbird (Tyrannus crassirostris) (17). One at Selkirk Island, Matagorda, on 16 December 2002 (SG, JaS; 2004-2). One at the Davis Mountains Preserve, Jeff Davis, on 17 May 2003 (ML, RDa, GW; 2003-42; TPRF 2164). One at Selkirk Island, Matagorda, from 15 December 2003-24 March 2004 (SG, JaS, MAu, BFr, PHo, EC; 2003-97; TPRF 2176).
Fork-tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus savana) (14). One adult at El Paso, El Paso, from 14-15 October 2004 (JPa, JZ; 2004-84; TPRF 2225).
Rose-throated Becard (Pachyramphus aglaiae) (31). A female at Santa Margarita Ranch, Starr, on 6 June 2004 (JA; 2004-56).
Yellow-green Vireo (Vireo flavoviridis) (42). One at Corpus Christi, Nueces, on 25 May 2002 (RBr; 2002-63). One at South Padre Island,Cameron, from 21-31 May 2003 (JA, BMc; 2003-43; TPRF 2165). One at San Benito, Cameron, from 30 April-3 May 2004 (BFr; 2004-40). Up to three at Sabal Palm Sanctuary, Cameron, from 7 June-17 August 2004 (JA, ML, JiP; 2004-53; TPRF 2214). Yellow-green Vireo was removed from the Review List at the TBRC annual meeting on 26 June 2004. All records submitted before that date will be reviewed.
Black-whiskered Vireo (Vireo altiloquus) (21). One (or more) on w. Galveston Island, Galveston, 23 April, 14 and 19 May 2003 (JSt; 2003-46; TPRF 2166). One at Sabine Woods, Jefferson, from 28 April-4 May 2004 (WRi; 2004-58).
Tamaulipas Crow (Corvus imparatus). Two at Brownsville, Cameron, on 15 March 2003 (LBr, JKe; 2003-18; TPRF 2161). Four (two adult and two juveniles) at Brownsville, Cameron, from 2 May-26 July 2004 (JB, BP, LBa, BMc, J-SG; 2004-35; TPRF 2206).
Black-headed Nightingale-Thrush (Catharus mexicanus) (1). One at Pharr, Hidalgo, from 28 May-29 October 2004 (RBa, RT, JO, MAu, BP, PHo, LBa, FB, BMc, ML, EC, RPi, RHo, LD, DLa, FC, JB; 2004-50; TPRF 2213). This is the first record for Texas and the United States.
Aztec Thrush (Ridgwayia pinicola) (5). One at Boot Canyon, Big Bend NP, Brewster, on 18 April 2003 (MO; 2003-33).
Blue Mockingbird (Melanotis caerulescens) (3). One at Pharr, Hidalgo, sporadically from mid-September 2003-19 October 2004 (CFe, RT, BP; 2004-46; TPRF 2210). This is a returning, or possibly continuously present, bird accepted under TBRC 2002-110.
Yellow (Mangrove) Warbler (Dendroica petechia oraria) (4). One (not an adult male) near Port Isabel, Cameron, from 1 December 2003-1 March 2004 (SCo; 2003-101; TPRF 2178). One near adult male at Boca Chica, Cameron, from 17 April-5 June 2004 (JA, StW; 2004-38; TPRF 2208).
Gray-crowned Yellowthroat (Geothlypis poliocephala) (41). A male at the Sabal Palm Sanctuary, Cameron, from 8 February-12 August 2004 (BMc, LBa, JB, MAn, ML, EC, FC, CH; 2004-14; TPRF 2202).
Red-faced Warbler (Cardellina rubrifrons) (31). One at Boot Canyon, Big Bend NP, Brewster, on 27 April 2004 (MK; 2004-45). One at Boot Canyon, Big Bend NP, Brewster, on 7 August 2004 (MF; 2004-70). One at Franklin Mountains SP, El Paso, on 15 August 2004 (JKi; 2004-75; TPRF 2220).
Slate-throated Redstart (Myioborus miniatus) (7). A male at Boot Canyon, Big Bend NP, Brewster, from 2-3 May 2003 (SIs, CL, ML, EC, MAd; 2003-40; TPRF 2163; TBSL 237).
Rufous-capped Warbler (Basileuterus rufifrons) (21). One in the Chisos Mountains, Big Bend NP, Brewster, on 12 August 2004 (DLe; 2004-69).
Yellow-faced Grassquit (Tiaris olivaceus) (3). A female at Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo, on 28 September 2003 (MO; 2003-75).
Baird's Sparrow (Ammodramus bairdii) (44). One at Rio Grande Village, Big Bend NP, Brewster, from 4-6 May 2003 (RiW; 2003-61). One near Marfa, Presidio, on 20 December 2003 (ML, EC; 2003-98).
Dark-eyed (White-winged) Junco (Junco hyemalis aikeni) (6). One at Smith Spring, Guadalupe Mountains NP, Culberson, from 3-4 January 2004 (KB; 2004-21; TPRF 2187).
Shiny Cowbird (Molothrus bonariensis) (12). A male at Harlingen, Cameron, on 24 October 2003 (StW; 2003-94). A male in e. Jefferson on 26 April 2003 (T&PF; 2003-36). A male at Comfort, Kendall, on 14 May 2004 (ES; 2004-52).
A number of factors may contribute to a record being denied acceptance. It is quite uncommon for a record to not be accepted because the bird was obviously misidentified. More commonly, a record is not accepted because the material submitted was incomplete, insufficient, superficial, or just too vague to properly document the reported occurrence while eliminating all other similar species. Also, written documentation or descriptions preparedentirely from memory weeks, months, or years after a sighting are seldom voted on favorably. It is important that the simple act of not accepting a particular record should by no means indicate that the TBRC or any of its members feel the record did not occur as reported. The non-acceptance of any record simply reflects the opinion of the TBRC that the documentation, as submitted, did not meet the rigorous standards appropriate for adding data to the formal historical record. The TBRC makes every effort to be as fair and objective as possible regarding each record. If the committee is unsure about any particular record, it prefers to err on the conservative side and not accept a good record rather than validate a bad one. All records, whether accepted or not, remain on file and can be re-submitted to the committee if additional substantive material is presented.
Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator). Springlake, Lamb, on 14 February 2004 (2004-28).
Yellow-billed Loon (Gavia adamsii). Sugar Land, Fort Bend, on 5 March 2004 (2004-20).
Brown Booby (Sula leucogaster). South Padre Island, Cameron, on 8 January 2003 (2003-9).
Red-footed Booby (Sula sula). Boca Chica, Cameron, on 20 March 2003 (2003-27).
Jabiru (Jabiru mycteria). Longenbaugh, Harris, on 9 July 2004 (2004-59).
Hook-billed Kite (Chondrohierax uncinatus). Corpus Christi, Nueces, on 26 September 2003 (2003-82). Smith Point, Chambers, on 18 October 2003 (2003-83).
Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis). Fort Worth, Tarrant, on 4 October 2003 (2003-79). White River Lake, Crosby, on 3 January 2004 (2004-3).
Short-tailed Hawk (Buteo brachyurus). San Marcos, Hays, on 20 November 2003 (2003-95).
Long-tailed Jaeger (Stercorarius longicaudus). Aransas Bay, Aransas, on 20 February 1987 (2003-60). This record had been previously accepted (TBRC 1988-161). The record was revisited because of the unlikely timing of occurrence and the expanded literature concerning jaeger plumage variation.
Black-tailed Gull (Larus crassirostris). Corpus Christi, Nueces, on 23 April 2004 (2004-41).
Thayer's Gull (Larus thayeri). Padre Island National Seashore, Kleberg, on 20 November 2003 (2004-26). Corpus Christi, Nueces, on 22 April 2004 (2004-42).
Iceland Gull (Larus glaucoides). Quintana, Brazoria, on 11 March 2003 (2003-26).
Great Black-backed Gull (Larus marinus). Sargent, Matagorda, on 20 December 2002 (2002-128).
Ruddy Ground-Dove (Columbina talpacoti). Harlingen, Cameron, on 1 August 2004 (2004-65).
Northern Pygmy-Owl (Glaucidium gnoma). Guadalupe Mountains NP, Culberson, on 24 July 2004 (2004-63). Big Bend NP, Brewster, on 13 August 2004 (2004-68).
Black Swift (Cypseloides niger). Port O'Connor, Calhoun, on 11 April 2004 (2004-33).
Green Violet-ear (Colibri thalassinus). Sabal Palm Sanctuary, Cameron, on 10 July 2004 (2004-60).
Gila Woodpecker (Melanerpes uropygialis). Dinosaur Valley SP, Somervell, on 6 September 2003 (2003-87).
Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher (Myiodynastes luteiventris). Yoakum, DeWitt, on 5 July 2003 (2003-99).
Connecticut Warbler (Oporornis agilis). Lubbock, Lubbock, from 6-7 October 2001 (2001-125). South Padre Island, Cameron, on 25 April 2004 (2004-36).
Gray-crowned Yellowthroat (Geothlypis poliocephala). Santa Ana NWR, Hidalgo, on 27 April 2004 (2004-43).
Baird's Sparrow (Ammodramus bairdii). Lake Bob Sandlin SP, Titus, on 29 September 2003 (2003-81). Longview, Gregg, on 20 December 2003 (2003-103).
Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis). Lipscomb on 2 April 2004 (2004-51).
The Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus) found southwest of Dalhart on 28 January 2002 (TBRC 2003-80) is from Hartley, not Dallam as reported in the 2003 annual report (Lockwood 2004).
Two records of Dark-eyed (White-winged) Junco (Junco hyemalis aikeni) included in the 2002 annual report (Lockwood 2003), one at Palo Duro Reservoir, Hansford (TBRC 2001-61) and the other at Wolf Creek Park, Ochiltree (TBRC 2001-62), were both found on 24 January 2001 rather than 2002.
AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION. 1998. Check-list of North American Birds, 7th ed.
American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, D. C.
BANKS, R. C., C. CICERO, J. L. DUNN, A. W. KRATTER, P. C. RASMUSSEN, J. V. REMSEN, Jr., J. D. RISING, and D. F. STOTZ. 2004. Forty-fifth supplement to the American Ornithologists' Union Check-list of North American Birds. Auk 121:985-995.
DITTMANN, D. L., and G. W. LASLEY. 1992. How to document rare birds. Birding
LOCKWOOD, M. W. 2003. Texas Bird Records Committee report for 2002. Bull. of the Tex. Ornith. Soc. 36:1-9.
_____. 2004. Texas Bird Records Committee report for 2003. Bull. of the Tex. Ornith. Soc. 37:17-24.
OLSEN, K. M. and H. LARSSON. 2004. Gulls of North American, Europe and Asia. Princeton University Press.