2019 Annual Meeting
2019 TBRC Annual Meeting
The 2019 Annual Meeting of the Texas Bird Records Committee (hereafter committee or TBRC) was held at 10:30 AM on 31 August 2019 at the Biodiversity Research and Teaching Collections (BRTC) in College Station, Texas. Keith Arnold served as host. Six members were present in person; three members attended via conference call; one member (Lorenz) could not be there. Those in attendance were:
● Randy Pinkston, Chair
● Eric Carpenter, Secretary (via conference call)
● Keith Arnold, Academician
● Tony Frank
● Mary Gustafson (via conference call)
● Dan Jones (via conference call)
● Petra Hockey
● Chris Runk
● Willie Sekula
The meeting was convened at 10:54 AM.
Election of Members
Carpenter and Arnold were the only nominees respectively for the Secretary and Academician positions. Pinkston stepped down as Chair and Frank was the only nominee for that position. All 3 (Carpenter, Arnold, Frank) were unanimously elected to their respective position.
Runk had his 1st term expire at the Annual Meeting and was unanimously elected to serve a second term.
With Pinkston stepping down and Frank taking his place as chair, there were 2 nominees for the open Voting Member position - Greg Cook (nominated by Runk) and Mel Cooksey (nominated by Hockey). The merits of each candidate were discussed and then members voted. Mel Cooksey received the most votes and was elected to become a voting member.
Effective at the end of the Annual Meeting, current membership and term of service are as follows:
● Tony Frank, Chair - term expires in 2021; can be re-elected
● Eric Carpenter, Secretary (not a Voting Member) - term expires in 2020; can be re-elected
● Keith Arnold, Academician - term is as listed for Secretary; can be re-elected
● Mel Cooksey – 1st term expires in 2022, can be re-elected
● Mary Gustafson - 1st term expires in 2021, can be re-elected
● Willie Sekula - 1st term expires in 2021, can be re-elected
● Chris Runk – 2nd term expires in 2022
● Dan Jones – 2nd term expires in 2021
● Stephan Lorenz – 2nd term expires in 2021
● Petra Hockey – 2nd term expires in 2020
The sequence (used primarily for order for oral/4th round records) of members for voting becomes:
Fourth Round Records
Two fourth-round records were discussed and voted on:
2018-62 - Mexican Violetear (1)
17 - 22 May 2018, Kerrville, Kerr County
accepted 8-0
2016-48 - Brown Booby (1)
21 May 2016, South Padre Island, Cameron County
not accepted 0-8
With no other formal business on the agenda and no Any Other Business items raised, the meeting was adjourned at 11:11AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Eric Carpenter
Secretary, Texas Bird Records Committee