2020 Annual Meeting

2020 TBRC Annual Meeting

The 2020 Annual Meeting of the Texas Bird Records Committee (hereafter committee or TBRC) was held at 11:30 AM on 12 September 2020. Due to COVID-19, the meeting was held entirely online via video conference with each attendee connecting remotely. All members but Arnold were able to attend:


● Tony Frank, Chair

● Eric Carpenter, Secretary

● Keith Arnold, Academician (did not attend)

● Mel Cooksey

● Mary Gustafson

● Dan Jones

● Petra Hockey

● Stephan Lorenz

● Chris Runk

● Willie Sekula

Christine Turnbull, TOS President, was also able to attend.

The meeting was convened at 11:40 AM.

Election of Members

Carpenter and Arnold were the only nominees respectively for the Secretary and Academician positions. Both were unanimously (re)elected to their respective position.

Hockey's second term expired at the Annual Meeting and Arnold has become a non-voting member as of the meeting so that meant that there were 2 open Voting Member positions. There were 2 nominees - Sheridan Coffey (nominated by Gustafson and Sekula) and Greg Cook (nominated by Runk). The background/merits of each candidate were discussed and both were unanimously elected.

Thus, effective at the end of the Annual Meeting, current membership and term of service are as follows:

● Tony Frank, Chair - term expires in 2021, can be re-elected

● Eric Carpenter, Secretary (not a Voting Member) - term expires in 2021, can be re-elected

● Keith Arnold, Academician (not a Voting Member) - term is as listed for Secretary, can be re-elected

● Sheridan Coffey – 1st term expires in 2023, can be re-elected

● Greg Cook – 1st term expires in 2023, can be re-elected

● Mel Cooksey – 1st term expires in 2022, can be re-elected

● Mary Gustafson - 1st term expires in 2021, can be re-elected

● Willie Sekula - 1st term expires in 2021, can be re-elected

● Chris Runk – 2nd term expires in 2022

● Dan Jones – 2nd term expires in 2021

● Stephan Lorenz – 2nd term expires in 2021

The sequence (used primarily for order for oral/4th round records) of members for voting becomes:

Coffey, Cook, Cooksey, Gustafson, Sekula, Runk, Jones, Lorenz, Frank

Additional discussions

There were no other agenda items but Frank did discuss his thoughts on a subcommittee on Exotics that he has been wanting to create. The purpose of the subcommittee will be to do research and gather documentation on exotics in Texas that are potential candidates to be added to the official state list. Lorenz indicated that he would be interested in helping out with this project and volunteered to start some research/ documentation gathering on Red-vented Bulbul to see if it is a viable candidate.


With no other formal business on the agenda and no additional Any Other Business items raised, the meeting was adjourned at 11:58AM.

Respectfully submitted,

Eric Carpenter

Secretary, Texas Bird Records Committee