2020 Annual Report
674 Goodnight Trail, Dripping Springs, Texas 78620
The Texas Bird Records Committee (hereafter "TBRC" or "committee") of the Texas Ornithological Society requests and reviews documentation on any record of a TBRC Review List species (see TBRC web page at http://www.texasbirdrecordscommittee.org). Annual reports of the committee’s activities have appeared in the Bulletin of the Texas Ornithological Society since 1984. For more information about the Texas Ornithological Society or the TBRC, please visit www.texasbirds.org. The committee reached a final decision on 136 records during 2020: 113 records of 48 species were accepted and 23 records of 20 species were not accepted, an acceptance rate of 83.1% for this report. A total of 226 observers submitted documentation (to the TBRC or to other entities) that was reviewed by the committee during 2020.
The TBRC accepted 2 first state records in 2020: White Wagtail and Blue-and-white Swallow. These two additions plus the addition of Mexican Duck (Anas diazi) due to a split bring the official Texas State List to 655 species in good standing. This total does not include the 5 species on the Presumptive Species List, nor the 2 species on the Supplemental List.
In addition to the review of previously undocumented species, any committee member may request that a record of any species be reviewed. The committee requests written descriptions as well as photographs, video, and audio recordings if available. Information concerning a Review List species may be submitted to the committee secretary, Eric Carpenter, 674 Goodnight Trail, Dripping Springs, Texas 78620 (email: ecarpe@gmail.com). Guidelines for preparing rare bird documentation can be found in Dittmann and Lasley (1992) or at http://www.greglasley.net/document.html. Online submission forms can be found at https://www.texasbirdrecordscommittee.org/home/forms.
The records in this report are arranged taxonomically following the AOS Check-list of North American Birds (AOU 1998) through the 61st supplement (Chesser et al. 2020). A number in parentheses after the species name represents the total number of accepted records in Texas for that species at the end of 2020. Species added to the Review List because of population declines or dwindling occurrence in recent years do not have the total number of accepted records denoted as there are many documented records that were not subjected to review (e.g. Brown Jay, Pinyon Jay, Tamaulipas Crow, and Evening Grosbeak). All observers who submitted written documentation or photographs/recordings of accepted records are acknowledged by initials. If known, the initials of those who discovered a particular bird are in boldface but only if the discoverer(s) submitted supporting documentation. The TBRC file number of each accepted record will follow the observers' initials. If photographs or video recordings are on file with the TBRC, the Texas Photo Record File (TPRF) (Texas A&M University) number is also given. Specimen records are denoted with an asterisk (*) followed by the institution where the specimen is housed and the catalog number. The information in each account is usually based on the information provided in the original submitted documentation; however, in some cases this information has been supplemented with a full range of dates the bird was present if that information was made available to the TBRC. All locations in italics are counties. Please note that the county designations of offshore records are used only as a reference to the nearest point of land.
TBRC Membership -- Members of the TBRC during 2020 who participated in decisions listed in this report were: Tony Frank, Chair; Keith Arnold, Academician; Eric Carpenter, (non-voting) Secretary; Sheridan Coffey, Greg Cook, Mel Cooksey, Mary Gustafson, Petra Hockey, Dan Jones, Stephan Lorenz, Chris Runk, and Willie Sekula.
Contributors - T. Jay Adams (TJA), Dave Allen, John Allendorf, Marie Asscherick, Mike Austin (MiA), Colby Ayers, Delmar Bachert (DeB), Gayle Bachert, Kenneth Bader, Noreen Baker (NoB), Amanda Beckman (AmB), Chris Benesh, Penny Bessire, Aurora Beta, Chris Bick (ChB), Clint Boal (ClB), Roger Boerner (RoB), Nick Bonomo, Aaron Boone (AaB), Justin Bosler, Robert Bowker, Diane Bricmont, Cynthria Bridge (CyB), Laura Bunton, Larry Van Buren (LVB), Bly Bylsma, Winston Caillouet, Michelle Cano (MiC), Skip Cantrell (SkC), Steve Cardiff, Eric Carpenter, Rita Carratello, George Chapman (GeC), Kevin Cochran, Sheridan Coffey (ShC), Dan Coleman, Scarlet Colley (ScC), Christopher Collins, Mark Conway (MaC), Greg Cook, Will Cook (WiC), Mel Cooksey, Jeff Corcoran, Kim Cortez (KiC), Cinda Crosley (CiC), Amanda Damin, Tripp Davenport, Janet Davis, Matt Denton (MaD), Matthew Dodder, Larry Dole, Andy Donnelly (AnD), Kevin Doxstater (KeD), Ted Drozdowski (TeD), Betty Dunn, Michael Dupree (MiD), Kathleen Dvorak, Michael Emenaker (MiE), Mark Esparza, John Ewan, Sue Ewan, Herbert Fechter, Tim Fennell (TiF), Christian Fernandez, Sean Fitzgerald, Todd Fitzgerald (ToF), Phyllis Frank, Tony Frank, Brush Freeman (BrF), Bob Friedrichs, Charmaine Ganson, Edward Garcia, Kandace Glanville, Terri Glascock, Steve Glover, Robert Golightly, Javier Gonzalez (JaG), Cindy Goodrum (CiG), Mike Gray, Joe Grzybowski, Mary Gustafson (MaG), Martin Hagne (MHa), Peggy Harding (PeH), Pat Hare (PaH), Heath Harlan (HeH), Michelle Harrell, Brian Harris (BHa), Ken Hartman, Susan Heath, Caleb Helsel, Alice Hempel, Jim Hengeveld (JHe), Randy Hensford, Rebecca Hensley (ReH), Troy Hibbitts, Brooke Hill (BrH), Jim Hinson (JHi), Petra Hockey, Gary Hodne, Don Hoechlin, Joseph Hood, Ben Horstmann, Daniel Horton (DaH), Jim Howard (JiH), Joanie Hubinger (JoH), Mark Hubinger (MaH), Adam Hudson (AdH), Huck Hutchens, Jesse Huth (JeH), Chuck Janzow, Adrian Johnson, Suzanne Johnson, Tom Johnson, Dan Jones, John Kaye, Laura Keene, Dee Dee King (DDK), Marilyn Kircus, Susan Kosoris, Rich Kostecke, Kevin Lapp (KeL), Rick Laughlin, Justin LeClaire, Clayton Leopold, Karen Lee Lewis (KLL), Lila Lewis, Kristen Linner, Mark Locke (MaL), Mark Lockwood, Scotty Lofland, Lorrie Lowrie (LoL), Barry Lyon, Neil MacLeod, John Maresh, Michael Marsden, Jean Martin (JeM), Bill Matthews (BiM), Steve Mayes (StM), Beth McBroom, Michael McCloy (MiM), Wendy McCrady, Jay McGowan (JaM), Jon McIntyre (JoM), Brad McKinney (BrM), Steve Metchis, Annie Meyer (AnM), Colette Micallef, Mark Miller (MaM), Arman Moreno, Brandon Nidiffer, Rick Nirschl, Kyle O'Haver (KOH), Matt O'Sullivan (MOS), Carolyn Ohl, Andrew Orgill, Jeff Osborne, Karl Overman, Barbara Pankratz, Dick Park, Jim Paton, Jeff Patterson (JeP), Randy Pinkston, Zak Pohlen, Fred Pratt, Bob Rasa, Frances Raskin, Janet Rathjen, Martin Reid, Cecilia Riley, Bob Ringler (BoR), Don Roberson, Bill Sain (BiS), David Sarkozi (DaS), Sam Saunders (SaS), Wendy Schackwitz (WeS), Mark Scheuerman (MaS), Logan Searl (LoS), Willie Sekula, Paul Sellin, Jeff Sexton, Cliff Shackelford, Colin Shackelford (CoS), Melissa Shackelford (MeS), Scott Shaw, Nancy Sheard, Dennis Shepler, Dan Sherick (DSh), Brad Shine (BSh), David Sikes (DSi), Judy Sims (JuS), Letha Slagle, Brooke Smith (BrS), Doug Smith (DoS), Jerry Smith (JeS), Ron Smith, Mike Snable (MSn), Denise Stephens (DeS), Mike Stewart, Ruben Stoll (RuS), Victor Stoll, Bob Stone (BoS), Mary Beth Stowe (MBS), Michelle Summers (MiS), Bill Supulski, Romey Swanson (RoS), Bryan Tarbox (BrT), Adam Tarplee, Kent Taylor, Sandi Templeton, John Thomlinson, Barbara Tompkins, Howard Towle, Charlie Trapani, Lee Wallace, Jim Weber, Lynne Weber (LyW), Ed Wetzel, Kimberly Williams (KiW), Wendy Williams, Ken Wilson, Stu Wilson, Dale Wolck, Adam Wood, Gary Yoder, Kay Zagst, Barry Zimmer.
Acknowledgments -- The TBRC is very grateful to the many contributors listed above, without whom this report would not be possible. The committee would also like to thank Steve Cardiff and Sheri Williamson for providing the TBRC with assistance and expert opinion concerning records reviewed during 2020. The author thanks his fellow TBRC members for reviewing previous drafts of this report.
Additional Abbreviations – A.O.S. = American Ornithologists’ Society; A.O.U. = American Ornithologists' Union; N.P. = National Park; N.S. = National Seashore; N.W.R. = National Wildlife Refuge; S.H.S. = State Historic Site; S.N.A. = State Natural Area; S.P. = State Park; W.M.A. = Wildlife Management Area.
Garganey (Spatula querquedula) (5). One at Aransas N.W.R., Calhoun/Aransas on 11-21 April 2020 (KB, BF, TF, PF, MC, MA; 2020-36; TPRF 3716).
Eurasian Wigeon (Mareca penelope) (59). One at San Angelo, Tom Green on 6-21 March 2019 (SJ, JM, RH, TJA, LW; 2019-85; TPRF 3670). One at Balmorhea Lake, Reeves on 9-18 December 2019 (RP, SC; 2019-88; TPRF 3703). One ~5 miles north-northwest of Cross Plains, Callahan on 5 January 2020 (SG; 2020-05; TPRF 3705).
King Eider (Somateria spectabilis) (3). One at Eagle Lake, Colorado on 18 December 2019 (RG, CS; 2020-24; TPRF 3694).
Masked Duck (Nomonyx dominicus) (97). One at North Padre Island, Kleberg on 13 February 1977 (JG; 2020-72; TPRF 3748). Two at San Bernard N.W.R., Brazoria on 21 April 2004 (MD; 2020-06; TPRF 3678).
Red-necked Grebe (Podiceps grisegena) (31). One at Imperial Reservoir, Pecos on 20 November 2014 (SF; 2020-54). One at Hubbard Creek Lake, Stephens on 14 January 2020 (ToF; 2020-13; TPRF 3706).
White-crowned Pigeon (Patagioenas leucocephala) (4). One near Lafitte's Cove, Galveston Island, Galveston on 4 September 2019 (KOH, DS; 2019-56; TPRF 3662).
Mexican Violetear (Colibri thalassinus) (94). One at Harper, Gillespie on 27 April 2019 (MH; 2020-75; TPRF 3740). One at Kerrville, Kerr on 13 May - 20 August 2019 (LL; 2019-48; TPRF 3654). One at Reagan Wells, Uvalde on 24 May - 19 June 2019 (BR, JH, CG, TH; 2019-43; TPRF 3655). One at Mountain Home, Kerr on 20 June 2019 (AB; 2020-71; TPRF 3741). One at south-southeast of Concan, Uvalde on 23 July - 11 August 2019 (TD, TH, HF; 2019-54; TPRF 3657).
Green-breasted Mango (Anthracothorax prevostii) (24). One at Edinburg Scenic Wetlands, Hidalgo on 29-30 October 2019 (KW, AD; 2019-80; TPRF 3688). One at Weslaco, Hidalgo on 27 July - 3 August 2020 (BS; 2020-62; TPRF 3746).
White-eared Hummingbird (Basilinna leucotis) (47). One west of Fort Davis, Jeff Davis on 4 July - 5 September 2019 (LoL, BM; 2019-46; TPRF 3698). One west of Fort Davis, Jeff Davis on 6-21 August 2019 (CR, BM, ML; 2019-50; TPRF 3701). One at Davis Mountains Preserve, Jeff Davis on 9-24 August 2019 (JS, RK, LS; 2020-32; TPRF 3702). One west of Fort Davis, Jeff Davis on 30 June - 12 September 2020 (BM, CF, KZ, TH, WS, LoL; 2020-49; TPRF 3760).
Violet-crowned Hummingbird (Leucolia violiceps) (26). One west of Fort Davis, Jeff Davis on 8-29 July 2019 (LoL, BiS, BM; 2019-49; TPRF 3699). One at Limpia Crossing, Jeff Davis on 25 July - 17 September 2019 (CR, MG; 2020-31; TPRF 3700). One west of Fort Davis, Jeff Davis on 20 July - 25 August 2020 (LoL, SH, BM; 2020-68; TPRF 3761). One northwest of Fort Davis, Jeff Davis on 27 July - 22 August 2020 (CR, BL, BrS, MG, JeH, SC; 2020-69; TPRF 3763).
Northern Jacana (Jacana spinosa) (44). One at Estero Llano Grande S.P., Hidalgo on 28 October 2019 (HH, MS; 2019-81; TPRF 3687).
Ruff (Calidris pugnax) (42). One at Anahuac N.W.R., Chambers on 14 April - 4 May 2013 (DaS, ZP; 2020-07; TPRF 3679). One at Magnolia Beach, Calhoun on 25 April 2020 (JM; 2020-39; TPRF 3728). One at Lake Lewisville, Denton on 13 May 2020 (WC; 2020-38; TPRF 3729).
Red Phalarope (Phalaropus fulicarius) (51). One at Grapevine Lake, Tarrant on 31 August - 2 September 2015 (CA, BT, MiS; 2020-56; TPRF 3733). One at Port Aransas, Nueces on 12 October 2019 (AO; 2020-57; TPRF 3738).
Long-tailed Jaeger (Stercorarius longicaudus) (28). One at Balmorhea Lake, Reeves on 31 August - 8 September 2019 (WM, ML, AW, TH, SK; 2019-53; TPRF 3661).
Heermann's Gull (Larus heermanni) (5). One at Benbrook Lake, Tarrant on 2-6 December 2019 (JA, BSh, RP, BoS, BD, LB, SL; 2019-78; TPRF 3691).
Mew Gull (Larus canus) (44). One at McNary Reservoir, Hudspeth on 4 December 2013 (BZ; 2020-73; TPRF 3759). One at Port Aransas, Nueces on 12 January - 6 April 2020 (JoM, MaL, MC, DSi, BH, MaS, PS, KT, PH, MR, MiA, TF, DaS, JH, WS; 2020-11; TPRF 3710). One at Hans Suter W.M.A., Corpus Christi, Nueces on 4 February 2020 (NB; 2020-17; TPRF 3707).
Western Gull (Larus occidentalis) (6). One at Corpus Christi, Nueces on 22-26 November 2019 (SS, JoM, JR, AH, MC; 2019-75; TPRF 3690).
Glaucous-winged Gull (Larus glaucescens) (2). One at Lake Wichita, Wichita/Archer on 8-13 June 2020 (SL, DaS, CA, EW, TF, PF; 2020-45; TPRF 3739).
Brown Noddy (Anous stolidus) (24). One at Boca Chica, Cameron on 21 August 2019 (JeS; 2019-52; TPRF 3659).
Red-billed Tropicbird (Phaethon aethereus) (15). One at Port Aransas, Nueces on 26 July 2020 (NoB; 2020-61; TPRF 3745).
Leach's Storm-Petrel (Hydrobates leucorhoa) (40). One in pelagic waters offshore from Port Isabel, Cameron on 27 August 2011 (GH, TD, BrT; 2020-51; TPRF 3730). Five in pelagic waters offshore from Port Isabel, Cameron on 8 August 2015 (DJ, TD, AM, BrM; 2020-52; TPRF 3732). One in pelagic waters offshore from Port Isabel, Cameron on 19 September 2015 (AnD; 2020-53; TPRF 3734). Two ~72 miles southeast of Matagorda Island, Calhoun on 24 August 2019 (EC, RP, PH, JB; 2019-51; TPRF 3660).
Sooty Shearwater (Ardenna grisea) (21). One at Padre Island National Seashore, Kenedy on 7 July 2012 (JiH; 2020-58; TPRF 3731).
Great Shearwater (Ardenna gravis) (28). One along beach, South Padre Island, Cameron on 24 September 2019 (JaG, ScC; 2019-61; TPRF 3663). One at Mustang Island, Nueces on 2 October 2019 (AO; 2020-77; TPRF 3742). One at Mustang Island, Nueces on 4 October 2019 (BrH; 2020-78; TPRF 3743). One at Padre Island National Seashore, Kleberg on 23 October 2019 (AO; 2019-71; TPRF 3676). One at Matagorda Nature Park and Jetty, Matagorda on 16 December 2019 (EC, PH; 2019-91).
Manx Shearwater (Puffinus puffinus) (10). One near jetty, Mustang Island S.P., Nueces on 27 July 2020 (AO; 2020-63; TPRF 3747).
Short-tailed Hawk (Buteo brachyurus) (61). One at Chisos Mountains, Big Bend N.P., Brewster on 23 April 2019 (CB; 2019-87; TPRF 3673). One 5 miles east of Mico, Medina on 17 March 2020 (LK; 2020-34; TPRF 3715). One at El Paso, El Paso on 16 April 2020 (JP; 2020-40; TPRF 3727).
Rose-throated Becard (Pachyramphus aglaiae) (73). One at Santa Ana N.W.R., Hidalgo on 7-9 May 1977 (BoR; 2020-83; TPRF 3757). One at Santa Ana N.W.R., Hidalgo on 19-20 July 2013 (DJ, MaG; 2020-44; TPRF 3718). One at Santa Ana N.W.R., Hidalgo on 19 October 2015 (MM; 2020-27). One at Sabal Palm Sanctuary, Cameron on 19-21 March 2019 (AdH, FR, JoH, MaH; 2019-84; TPRF 3671). One at Frontera Audubon, Weslaco, Hidalgo on 3 August 2019 (AJ, AM; 2019-57; TPRF 3658). One at National Butterfly Center and Bentsen-Rio Grande S.P., Mission, Hidalgo on 24 November 2019 - 21 March 2020 (MaG, JHe, RS, WS, KD, JT, MBS, KG, AnM; 2019-79; TPRF 3724). One to two at Resaca de la Palma S.P., Cameron on 1 February - 21 March 2020 (JL, PaH, MiC, HT, JS, JoM, DB, WW; 2020-14; TPRF 3726).
Dusky-capped Flycatcher (Myiarchus tuberculifer) (52). One at Sabal Palm Sanctuary, Cameron on 1 February 1996 (WiC; 1996-37). The TBRC no longer reviews Dusky-capped Flycatchers at a species level (see next) but this was a resubmission of a previously rejected record during a period when the (full) species was on the Review List.
Dusky-capped Flycatcher (lawrenceii) (Myiarchus tuberculifer lawrenceii) (22). One at Anzalduas County Park, Hidalgo on 8-9 November 2015 (JK, JaG, KO, CyB; 2020-43; TPRF 3719). One at Resaca de la Palma S.P., Cameron on 16 February 2016 (CC; 2020-42; TPRF 3720). One northwest of Hebbronville, Jim Hogg on 5 January - 25 February 2019 (ShC, AW, WS, GC; 2019-04; TPRF 3721). One at Salineno, Starr on 1 March 2019 (BHa; 2020-41; TPRF 3722). One at Resaca de la Palma S.P., Cameron on 31 January - 4 March 2020 (WeS, ME, WS, RN, MBS, BrM; 2020-21; TPRF 3725).
Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher (Myiodynastes luteiventris) (35). One at Boy Scout Woods, High Island, Galveston on 8-9 April 2015 (MK, LoS, JS; 2020-67; TPRF 3751). One at Alamito Creek, Presidio on 10 June - 5 July 2019 (SW, ML, ClB; 2019-42; TPRF 3656).
Fork-tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus savana) (47). One northwest of Texas City, Galveston on 16 November 2016 (PB; 2020-76; TPRF 3752). One at Smith Oaks, High Island, Galveston on 13-15 April 2019 (SaS, KiW, SM; 2020-82; TPRF 3754). One ~7 miles southwest of Taft, San Patricio on 2 October 2019 (SkC, AO; 2019-64; TPRF 3675). One at Sacahuistale Flats, Willacy on 5 October 2019 (MaC; 2019-86; TPRF 3685). One 10 miles west of Raymondville, Willacy on 1 November 2019 (ReH; 2019-77). One at Riviera, Kleberg on 27 November - 14 December 2019 (AO, JoM, TH, DA, WS; 2019-76; TPRF 3692). One at Eagle Lake, Colorado on 11-18 December 2019 (FP, ChB, CiG; 2019-90; TPRF 3693). One near main entrance, Aransas N.W.R., Aransas on 20-22 December 2019 (RL, KeD, MR; 2019-92; TPRF 3695). One near Gregory, San Patricio on 3 January 2020 (EG; 2020-01; TPRF 3696). One west of Santa Rosa, Hidalgo on 12 January - 5 February 2020 (DJ, VS, RB, GeC, MSn, LD; 2020-12; TPRF 3711). One at southeast of San Manuel-Linn, Hidalgo on 17 March 2020 (KC, DA; 2020-30; TPRF 3714).
Tufted Flycatcher (Mitrephanes phaeocercus) (6). One west of Fort Davis, Jeff Davis on 13-14 August 2020 (JS, CL; 2020-84; TPRF 3756).
Greater Pewee (Contopus pertinax) (35). One at Bear Creek Park, Houston, Harris on 27 August 2015 - 4 March 2016 (JHi, DSh,LS,DW,KH; 2020-19; TPRF 3680). One at Alpine, Brewster on 20 August 2020 (CoS, MeS; 2020-94; TPRF 3764).
Black-whiskered Vireo (Vireo altiloquus) (45). One at Smith Oaks, High Island, Galveston on 9 May 2012 (BrT; 2020-65; TPRF 3749). One near 'The Willows' at Sea Rim S.P., Jefferson on 30 April - 2 May 2014 (StM, TeD, MiD; 2020-66; TPRF 3750). One at High Island - Smith Oaks, Galveston on 29 April - 1 May 2017 (DH, MOS, PeH; 2018-16; TPRF 3697). One at Sabine Woods, Jefferson on 24 April 2020 (BiM, BN; 2020-37; TPRF 3717).
Pinyon Jay (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus) (3). One at Davis Mountains S.P., Jeff Davis on 26 October 2017 (JuS; 2020-09; TPRF 3682).
Tamaulipas Crow (Corvus imparatus) (20). One near Port Mansfield, Willacy on 14 May 2019 (AmB; 2020-18; TPRF 3723).
Blue-and-white Swallow (Pygochelidon cyanoleuca) (1). One south of Progreso, Hidalgo on 20-21 July 2020 (DJ, MBS; 2020-59; TPRF 3762). This represents the first documented record for Texas and for the ABA region (pending ABA acceptance).
Northern Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) (3). One at Saxet Lake Park, Victoria, Victoria on 26-29 September 2019 (TJA, DaS, JH, MaS, SL; 2019-63; TPRF 3674).
Rufous-backed Robin (Turdus rufopalliatus) (27). One at South Unit, San Angelo S.P., Tom Green on 6 January 2017 (VS; 2020-25; TPRF 3681). One west-southwest of Uvalde, Uvalde on 4 January 2020 (TD; 2020-04; TPRF 3704).
Varied Thrush (Ixoreus naevius) (51). One at San Saba Nature Park, San Saba, San Saba on 25-26 October 2019 (BP, JH; 2019-72; TPRF 3677).
White Wagtail (Motacilla alba) (1). One at Roy Guerrero Park, east Austin, Travis on 8 February - 5 April 2020 (JD, JO, DaS, JH, EC, RP, PH, TF, PF, MR, TiF, EW, TH, BrM, SL, MC, TJA; 2020-22; TPRF 3712). This represents the first documented record for Texas.
Evening Grosbeak (Coccothraustes vespertinus) (24). Two at McKittrick Canyon, Guadalupe Mountains N.P., Culberson on 27 October 2012 (KL; 2020-79; TPRF 3758). Up to three at Frijole Ranch, Guadalupe Mountains N.P., Culberson on 28 October - 2 November 2018 (DC, DR, RC; 2018-86; TPRF 3736). One at San Antonio, Bexar on 15 December 2018 (TG; 2019-23; TPRF 3737).
Yellow-eyed Junco (Junco phaeonotus) (9). One at El Paso, El Paso on 26-28 September 2020 (BZ; 2020-88; TPRF 3765).
Golden-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia atricapilla) (47). One at Bill Rogers Arroyo Park, El Paso, El Paso on 5 March 2020 (KeL; 2020-28; TPRF 3713). One at Amarillo, Randall on 30 September - 1 October 2020 (DoS; 2020-86; TPRF 3766).
Rufous-capped Warbler (Basileuterus rufifrons) (37). One at Fort Clark Springs, Brackettville, Kinney on 13-28 October 2019 (GC, TH, JC; 2019-70; TPRF 3686). One at Benavides, Duval on 28 March - 12 May 2020 (BF, WS; 2020-35; TPRF 3744).
Golden-crowned Warbler (Basileuterus culicivorus) (29). One at San Benito, Cameron on 13 October 2018 - 7 January 2019 (KiC; 2018-81; TPRF 3683). One at Arroyo Colorado Unit, Las Palomas W.M.A., Cameron on 3 November 2019 (JL, MaC; 2019-74; TPRF 3689).
Slate-throated Redstart (Myioborus miniatus) (17). One to two at Boot Canyon, Chisos Mountains, Big Bend N.P., Brewster on 19 April - 13 September 2019 (ST, RoS, ML, JW, LyW, DaS, TJA; 2019-29; TPRF 3672). One at Boot Canyon, Chisos Mountains, Big Bend N.P., Brewster on 16-19 June 2020 (CH, ML; 2020-46; TPRF 3755).
Flame-colored Tanager (Piranga bidentata) (15). One at Pinnacles Trail, Big Bend N.P., Brewster on 25 July 2016 (JaM; 2020-26; TPRF 3735).
Crimson-collared Grosbeak (Rhodothraupis celaeno) (46). One at Resaca de la Palma S.P., Cameron on 6 February 2019 (NS; 2020-64; TPRF 3753). One at Bentsen-Rio Grande S.P., Hidalgo on 9 December 2019 (PH, RS; 2019-89; TPRF 3708). One at South Shore Unit, Choke Canyon S.P., Live Oak on 20 December 2019 (JeM, CiC; 2020-08). One at Santa Ana N.W.R., Hidalgo on 22 December 2019 - 13 January 2020 (MaM, GB, DeB, HeH, JE, SE; 2019-93; TPRF 3709).
Blue Bunting (Cyanocompsa parellina) (52). One at visitor center, Laguna Atascosa N.W.R., Cameron on 7 January - 24 February 2019 (NM, KLL, BB; 2020-20; TPRF 3684).
A number of factors may contribute to a record being denied acceptance. It is quite uncommon for a record to not be accepted due to a bird being obviously misidentified. More commonly, a record is not accepted because the material submitted was incomplete, insufficient, superficial, or just too vague to properly document the reported occurrence while eliminating all other similar species. Also, written documentation or descriptions prepared entirely from memory weeks, months, or years after a sighting are seldom voted on favorably. It is important that the simple act of not accepting a particular record should by no means indicate that the TBRC or any of its members feel the record did not occur as reported. The non-acceptance of any record simply reflects the opinion of the TBRC that the documentation, as submitted, did not meet the rigorous standards appropriate for adding data to the formal historical record. The TBRC makes every effort to be as fair and objective as possible regarding each record. If the committee is unsure about any particular record, it prefers to err on the conservative side and not accept a good record rather than validate a bad one. All records, whether accepted or not, remain on file and can be re-submitted to the committee if additional substantive material is presented.
Eurasian Wigeon (Mareca penelope). One at Cayo del Infiernillo, Alazon Bay, Kleberg on 5 January 2020 (2020-02). One at Rio Bosque Park, Socorro, El Paso on 2 February 2020 (2020-16).
Mexican Violetear (Colibri thalassinus). One northwest of Boerne, Kendall on 16-17 July 2019 (2019-47).
Costa's Hummingbird (Calypte costae). One northwest of Fort Davis, Jeff Davis on 30 September 2017 (2017-48).
Curlew Sandpiper (Calidris ferruginea). One at Calallen, Nueces on 6 October 2019 (2019-73).
Brown Noddy (Anous stolidus). One ~3 miles offshore from Mustang Island, Nueces on 15 August 2020 (2020-81).
Arctic Tern (Sterna paradisaea). One at Red Bluff Lake, Reeves on 15 June 2018 (2020-33).
Leach's Storm-Petrel (Hydrobates leucorhoa). One in pelagic waters offshore from Port Isabel, Cameron on 16 July 2011 (2020-50).
Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo). One at Manvel, Brazoria on 14 December 2019 (2020-10).
Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis). One at Hazel Bazemore, Calallen, Nueces on 26 October 2019 (2019-82).
Short-tailed Hawk (Buteo brachyurus). One at Bentsen-Rio Grande S.P., Hidalgo on 11 September 2015 (2020-55).
Northern Pygmy-Owl (Glaucidium gnoma). One at The Bowl, Guadalupe Mountains N.P., Culberson on 14 March 2020 (2020-29).
Red-breasted Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus ruber). One at Chisos Basin, Big Bend N.P., Brewster on 28 December 2019 (2020-03).
Rose-throated Becard (Pachyramphus aglaiae). One at Salineno, Starr on 24 January 2020 (2020-15). One at Salineno, Starr on 11 June 2020 (2020-60).
Fork-tailed Flycatcher (Tyrannus savana). One northwest of Texas City, Galveston on 15 February 2017 (2020-70).
Eurasian Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus). One ~8 miles east-northeast of Lake Jackson, Brazoria on 9 February 2020 (2020-23).
Golden-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia atricapilla). One at Lake McClellan, Gray on 23 March 2019 (2019-83).
Streak-backed Oriole (Icterus pustulatus). One at Fort Pena Colorado Park, Marathon, Brewster on 9-10 June 2019 (2019-41). One at Fort Pena Colorado Park, Marathon, Brewster on 8-23 Jun 2020 (2020-47).
Flame-colored Tanager (Piranga bidentata). One at Boot Canyon, Big Bend N.P., Brewster on 2 May 2015 (2015-35).
Yellow Grosbeak (Pheucticus chrysopeplus). One at Glenn Springs, Big Bend N.P., Brewster on 13 August 1997 (2019-15).
Blue Bunting (Cyanocompsa parellina). One 4.5 miles northeast of Hondo, Medina on 20 September 2019 (2019-62).
AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS’ UNION. 1998. Check-list of North American Birds, 7th ed., American Ornithologists’ Union, Washington, D. C.
R Terry Chesser, Shawn M Billerman, Kevin J Burns, Carla Cicero, Jon L Dunn, Andrew W Kratter, Irby J Lovette, Nicholas A Mason, Pamela C Rasmussen, J V Remsen, Jr., Douglas F Stotz, Kevin Winker, 2020. Sixty-first supplement to the American Ornithologists' Society Check-list of North American Birds. Auk 137.
DITTMANN, D. L., and G. W. LASLEY. 1992. How to document rare birds. Birding 24:145-159.